6359 results found
Health topics
… does not clear on its own. Removing the vitreous gel gives your eye doctor better access to the back of the eye. This … minutes to 3 hours, depending on why you're having surgery. Your eye doctor will decide if only your eye will be numb or if you will also be asleep during …
Health topics
… to balance the loss from sweating from exercise. To protect yourself from dehydration: Drink plenty of water before, … exercise. You can replace fluids and electrolytes by using a sports drink. Sports drinks are only helpful if you … and forth between rest and exercise. Gradually increasing your exercise may give you more energy. Avoid medicines that …
Medical tests
… partly controls serum osmolality. Water constantly leaves your body as you breathe, sweat, and urinate. If you do not drink enough water, the concentration of chemicals in your blood (serum osmolality) increases. When serum osmolality increases, your body releases ADH. This keeps water from leaving in the …
Medical tests
… (BNP) test measures the amount of the BNP hormone in your blood. BNP is made by your heart and shows how well your heart is working. Normally, only a low amount of BNP is …
Health topics
… Breathing Techniques for Childbirth On this page: Overview Overview As your due date draws nearer, learn and practice controlled … for pain management during childbirth. Concentrating on your breathing can help distract you from pain, relax both …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health … Results Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a …
HealthLinkBC files
… a mother with HIV can pass it to her baby during pregnancy, childbirth, or while breastfeeding (breastfeeding is not recommended for mothers living … of transmitting it to others. You can greatly reduce your risk of transmitting HIV to others by taking …
Health topics
… may have hypoglycemic unawareness if you: Can't feel when your blood sugar is low. Have had low blood sugar many … Sometimes you can regain some ability to feel that your blood sugar is low. To do this, you need to avoid … low blood sugar levels for a few weeks. This helps teach your body how to react to low blood sugar again with warning …
Health topics
… The next time you are relaxed, take a moment to notice how your body feels. Or think about how you breathe when you … Breathing exercises can help you relax, because they make your body feel like it does when you are already relaxed. … is because when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this …
Health topics
… may need medicine to prevent serious illness. Protecting yourself When you're caring for someone with COVID-19, keep … or spreading the infection. Here are some ways to protect yourself and others. Have the person stay in one room. If … These include dishes, cups, towels, and bedding. Wash your hands often and well. Use soap and water, and scrub for …