6359 results found
Health topics
… vein blood clot. After a while, this blood clot (usually in your leg), can damage the vein. Damage to the vein can lead … medicines and bandages to help the sores heal. Propping up your leg may reduce pain and swelling. You might try an exercise program to help relieve PTS symptoms. Talk with your doctor before starting a new exercise program. Your …
Health topics
… or her signals. Be calm and supportive. Pay attention to your tone of voice. A person with dementia is still aware of … and may become upset when sensing anger or irritation in your voice. Try eye contact. Try touch to reassure and show … understood than words. Follow the cues you're getting if your attempt to connect seems to upset the person. Stop …
Health topics
… Wear shoes that fit properly. You should be able to wiggle your toes in your shoes while you are sitting and when you are standing. The inner seams of your shoes should not rub against areas of your feet. Stop …
Medical tests
… and fatty substances used as a source of energy by your body. Lipids are found in your blood and are stored in tissues. They are an important … that you have a familial lipid disorder. footnote 3 For children and teens, test results are slightly different than …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview After your spinal cord injury (SCI), you may need a wheelchair. Moving from your wheelchair to other locations is known as a transfer. … have enough upper body strength, you may be able to do this yourself. Your injury and strength will determine what type …
Medical tests
… through the digestive tract . After you chew and swallow your food, it moves into your stomach, where it is mixed with acid and digestive enzymes . After your food leaves your stomach, it is squeezed through your …
Health topics
… Here are some ideas on how to cope. Be open about your feelings. Try not to bottle up your feelings. Let your partner know if you're scared, sad, or frustrated. Help …
Health topics
… A washable type may be useful when a loved one has trouble using the disposable type. When putting on adult underwear, … skin from getting sore. Changing the underwear Always wash your hands well before and after each underwear change. Have … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… a fall while you're in the hospital. Plan ahead. If you and your family know that you have a risk of falling, talk to doctors and nurses about helping you avoid falls. Ask your doctor if working with a physiotherapist or … non-skid socks, slippers, or shoes that stay securely on your feet. If you don't have these, ask the nurse for a pair …
Health topics
… need to have tests to see how well the donor kidney matches your tissue type and blood type. To do the surgery, the doctor makes a cut in your lower belly. This cut is called an incision. The doctor … belly. Your own kidneys are not taken out unless they're causing problems. The doctor then connects the blood vessels …