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Health topics
… risk-free alternatives to smoking. And they are harmful to your body. They can lead to: White patches or red sores in your mouth, called leukoplakia . They can turn into mouth … cheek. Tooth loss and other dental problems. Gum disease. Your gums may pull away from your teeth and not grow back. …
Health topics
… If you think you may have anxiety or depression, talk with your doctor. If you treat these conditions, you may get … headaches less often. If you have tension headaches, ask yourself if you are: Having conflicts within your family or at work or school. Not getting enough sleep …
Health topics
… help you regain normal range of motion and flexibility in your knee. Rehab programs also strengthen the knee and the muscles around it, leading to better knee stability. Your doctor or physiotherapist will design a rehab program for you that considers your normal level of activity, your physical fitness, and …
Health topics
… Information Overview Most pregnancies last 37 to 42 weeks. Your pregnancy is post-term (or post-date) when you are at 42 or more weeks. When you get to 40 weeks, your doctor will look at your health and the baby's health and decide whether to wait …
Health topics
… of hyperthyroidism called subclinical hyperthyroidism if your thyroid tests show that: Your thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are low. Your thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine …
Health topics
… the ability to think, learn, and remember. It develops as your baby grows. Your baby is born with around 100 billion brain cells … to trust and depend on you. Most synapses are made during childhood. They allow a person to continue learning over …
Health topics
… injury. What causes it? Autonomic dysreflexia occurs when your body reacts to pain or pressure below your spinal cord injury. This can be a pain or an irritant … Empty your bladder by draining your Foley catheter or using your catheter. Use digital stimulation to empty your
Health topics
… After Childbirth: Urination and Bowel Problems On this page: … urinate more than usual for days or weeks after delivery. Your body is getting rid of the extra fluid from pregnancy. … fluid. If you had an incision ( episiotomy ) or a tear in your vagina during childbirth, your bowel movements may be …
Health topics
… Hyperparathyroidism means that one or more of your four parathyroid glands may be too active. These are … (PTH). This hormone helps control how much calcium is in your blood. When a parathyroid gland makes too much PTH, the … for signs that hyperparathyroidism is getting worse or causing other health problems and needs more treatment. …
Health topics
… infection is. If the infection is: In a wound, that area of your skin may be red or tender. On your skin, you may get a red, tender boil or abscess. You … cloths, razors, or clothing. Keep your environment clean by using a disinfectant to wipe surfaces you touch a lot. These …