3988 results found
Health topics
… Exercise and Weight Loss Bulimia Nervosa Carbohydrate Foods Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, and Blood Sugar … High Cholesterol: How a Dietitian Can Help High-Potassium Foods High-Protein Foods for Wound Healing How to Eat Healthy When You're Home …
… time each day. You may have more gout attacks for several months after starting this medicine while the body removes … to prevent/treat a gout attack during the first several months you are taking febuxostat. Continue to take your … time each day. You may have more gout attacks for several months after starting this medicine while the body removes …
Health topics
… a chance that you have the virus. If you do have HIV, your baby could also become infected. The virus is usually passed … pregnancy. Breastfeeding can pass the virus from mother to baby. Treatment with medicines called antiretrovirals, both … during pregnancy and after the birth, greatly reduces a baby's risk of HIV infection. Antiretroviral medicines …
… recommended for use during pregnancy. It may harm an unborn baby. However, since untreated seizures are a serious … that can harm both a pregnant woman and her unborn baby, do not stop taking this medication unless directed by … recommended for use during pregnancy. It may harm an unborn baby. However, since untreated seizures are a serious …
Health topics
… drink, or take into your body affects you and your growing baby. Using alcohol or drugs while you're pregnant can cause … for you during your pregnancy and when it is time for your baby to be born. It can also affect your baby both before and after birth. The best time to stop …
Health topics
… A parent's arms are not strong enough to hold and protect a baby during a crash. Many children who are not restrained … been in an crash or misused, it may not fully protect your baby. Visit the Child Car Seat Safety web page at … car seat that faces the back of the car for your baby. It is safest for your baby to remain in a rear-facing …
… the risk of birth defects if used during the first two months of pregnancy. Also, using it for a long time or in … doses near the expected delivery date may harm the unborn baby. To lessen the risk, use the smallest effective dose … right away if you notice any symptoms in your newborn baby such as crying that doesn't stop, slow/shallow …
… the risk of birth defects if used during the first two months of pregnancy. Also, using it for a long time or in … doses near the expected delivery date may harm the unborn baby. To lessen the risk, use the smallest effective dose … right away if you notice any symptoms in your newborn baby such as crying that doesn't stop, slow/shallow …
… the risk of birth defects if used during the first two months of pregnancy. Also, using it for a long time or in … doses near the expected delivery date may harm the unborn baby. To lessen the risk, use the smallest effective dose … right away if you notice any symptoms in your newborn baby such as crying that doesn't stop, slow/shallow …
Health topics
… groups. These include vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, and protein foods, like meat, fish, poultry, beans, and tofu. They pack … of your plate like it has 4 parts: 1 part for whole grain foods, 2 parts for vegetables and fruits, and 1 part for …