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2371 results found
Health topics
… child against illness and infection. For example, wash your hands often, keep toys clean, make sure your child is … yourself is a vital part of keeping your child safe. Most injuries to children occur when parents or caregivers are … when an easily spread illness is going around. Wash your hands often. If soap and water aren't available, use a hand
Health topics
… being gone for a few days. Numbness or tingling in your hands, arms, chest, or legs. Weakness in your arms, hands, or legs. Inability to move your head. How is it … an imaging test such as an MRI or CT scan to look for other injuries. How can you take care of yourself? Most whiplash …
Health topics
… If you don't have tweezers, put on gloves or cover your hands with tissue paper, then use your fingers. Do not handle the tick with bare hands. Grab the … gloves or cover your hands with tissue paper, then use your fingers. Do not handle the tick with bare hands. Grab the …
Health topics
… after a tick bite. It may cause tingling and numbness in hands or feet, double vision, and trouble swallowing. In … or cover your hands with tissue paper, and then use your fingers. Don't handle the tick with bare hands. After you … or cover your hands with tissue paper, and then use your fingers. Don't handle the tick with bare hands. After you …
Health topics
… Pain Chronic Pain Syndrome Classification of Spinal Cord Injuries Cochlear Implants Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for … and Fatigue West Nile Virus Worried About Using Opioids? Wrist Splint for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Open/close … and Fatigue West Nile Virus Worried About Using Opioids? Wrist Splint for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Open/close …
Medical tests
… problems of the arms or legs, such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle, or foot. Other uses for a CT scan A … of the arms or legs, such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle, or foot. Other uses for a CT scan A …
Health topics
… on how much weight you can put on your injured limb. If the fingers or toes on the limb with the splint were not … turns cold or changes colour. You have trouble moving your fingers or toes. You have symptoms of a blood clot in your … on how much weight you can put on your injured limb. If the fingers or toes on the limb with the splint were not …
Health topics
… who have: Trouble seeing clearly. Trouble using their hands. Infections or open wounds. Some precautions to take … letting the needle touch either the flat surface or your fingers. Only the inside of the cover should touch the … letting the needle touch either the flat surface or your fingers. Only the inside of the cover should touch the …
Health topics
… about 30 cm (1 ft) from a wall and place the palms of both hands against the wall at chest level. Step back with one … other (front) leg at the knee, and press the wall with both hands until you feel a gentle stretch on your back leg (calf … the ball of your foot). Take one end of the towel in either hand and gently pull the towel towards your body to stretch …
Health topics
… The skin can develop rashes and sores, especially pressure injuries (also called pressure sores). These injuries are caused by constant pressure, which can limit … can be damaged by sweat, feces, or urine, making pressure injuries more likely and harder to heal. You can help …