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4882 results found
Health topics
… may be feeling excited or impatient to finally meet your baby. In the meantime, your body goes through tremendous … to relaxing music Improved breathing This may mean you baby has moved down into your pelvis in preparation for … to: Pack your hospital labour kit Arrange care for your home and any older children while you are in the hospital …
Medical tests
… the barium move through your esophagus, stomach, and the first part of the small intestine ( duodenum ) on a video screen. Several X-ray pictures are taken at different … the barium move through your esophagus, stomach, and the first part of the small intestine ( duodenum ) on a video
HealthLinkBC files
… this condition occurs in infants it is also known as “blue baby syndrome”. Babies under 6 months are particularly at … or infant formula mixed with well water, unless it has first been tested safe for nitrate levels. If possible, … . First Nations Health Authority 1 866 913-0033 Fraser Health …
Health topics
… Overview More of your health care takes place in your home than anywhere else. Having the right tools, medicines, … at most drugstores and grocery stores. These are helpful first-aid supplies to have at home: Adhesive bandages, such … at most drugstores and grocery stores. These are helpful first-aid supplies to have at home: Adhesive bandages, such …
Health topics
… "It meant leaving my house 15 minutes early and getting home 15 minutes later," said Shellie. "But that seemed like … "It meant leaving my house 15 minutes early and getting home 15 minutes later," said Shellie. "But that seemed like …
Health topics
… Planning a pregnancy can be exciting and, if it’s your first, a little bit scary. On this page, you can find advice … are. One of the most important things you can do for your baby is to quit smoking. It is best to stop drinking before …
Health topics
… lunch money or prepared lunches. Your child may come home from school without favourite toys, clothes, or other items. Your child may also come home very hungry from having missed lunch. Sleep poorly and … lunch money or prepared lunches. Your child may come home from school without favourite toys, clothes, or other …
Health topics
… You have other physical or mental health problems. Your home situation makes it hard to stay away from drugs or … an outpatient treatment clinic. You may stay for several weeks, depending on how your recovery is going. After … much time do you spend in the program a day, and how many weeks or months does the program last? Does the program have …
Health topics
… symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your work and home environments. A stool culture can confirm the … your nerves, which can lead to paralysis that lasts several weeks and usually requires that you go to a hospital. How … your nerves, which can lead to paralysis that lasts several weeks and usually requires that you go to a hospital. How …
Health topics
… Can be used right up until birth with no effect on the baby. The mother holds the face mask and breathes in desired … such as morphine, fentanyl Side effects May make baby sleepy. Narcotics given near birth may affect some … narcotics are usually given before the transition phase of first-stage labour in order to wear off before baby is born. …