4882 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… Lead levels can change during the day, and a sample taken first thing in the morning before using water will generally show any problems. If your home was built before 1989, your plumbing may be at higher … turns colder. You should do this before drinking or cooking first thing in the morning or any other time the plumbing …
Health topics
… obsessed by the fears that you stop going outside of your home. OCD can lower your quality of life because it affects … actions. You repeat this process every day for several weeks or months. You keep doing it until you are less … SSRI, or use another medicine—clomipramine—if the medicine first prescribed doesn't help. Clomipramine has been used …
Health topics
… them to make them healthier. For example, make pizza at home using low-fat mozzarella cheese and lots of fresh … them to make them healthier. For example, make pizza at home using low-fat mozzarella cheese and lots of fresh …
… (possibly fatal) liver disease, especially during the first 6 months of treatment. Stop taking propylthiouracil … cells, white cells, and platelets), especially during the first few months of treatment. Tell your doctor right away … should be used only when clearly needed during the first 3 months of pregnancy. It is not recommended for use …
Health topics
… in a 24-hour period, without time limitations. During the first 3 days after the birth, focus all your efforts on … your newborn before an older child. This ensures that your baby is nourished with colostrum . You may want to stop … in a 24-hour period, without time limitations. During the first 3 days after the birth, focus all your efforts on …
Health topics
… opens (dilates) with little or no pain, usually before 24 weeks. This can lead to miscarriage or birth of a premature baby . You may also hear this condition called a weak cervix … or midwife right away. Symptoms sometimes start days or weeks before the cervix dilates. How is it diagnosed? You …
Health topics
… your doctor if your GERD symptoms: Do not improve after 2 weeks of home treatment, are different or are getting worse, or are … and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are usually tried first to treat GERD and its symptoms. These can be either …
Health topics
… hospital. You will need to take it easy for at least 4 to 6 weeks at home. How It Is Done Aortobifemoral bypass surgery is used … the hospital. Your belly and groin will be sore for several weeks. You will probably feel more tired than usual for …
Medical tests
… for normal development of the brain, especially during the first 3 years of life. Intellectual disability may occur if a baby's thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone … for normal development of the brain, especially during the first 3 years of life. Intellectual disability may occur if …
Health topics
… of the leg. Some people have mild swelling too. When you first notice the pain, it may just be at the start of your … . How are shin splints treated? In many cases you can use home treatment to help relieve pain and swelling from shin … increase the distance and pace of your run over several weeks. Wear shoes that fit your foot right. And don't work …