4882 results found
Health topics
… most often go away as the injury heals, but this may take weeks. Occasionally the black appearance under an injured … may mean damage to the nail matrix, the area where the nail first begins to form. If this is the case, it may be … may mean damage to the nail matrix, the area where the nail first begins to form. If this is the case, it may be …
Health topics
… as possible after the bite. It is usually given within the first 4 hours after the snakebite and may be effective for 2 weeks or more after the bite. Snake venoms can cause many … as possible after the bite. It is usually given within the first 4 hours after the snakebite and may be effective for 2 …
Medical tests
… get this medicine, be sure you have someone to take you home. How It Is Done You will need to remove all metal … passes into breast milk and even less is passed on to the baby. But if you are concerned, you can stop breastfeeding … get this medicine, be sure you have someone to take you home. How It Is Done You will need to remove all metal …
Medical tests
… get this medicine, be sure you have someone to take you home. How It Is Done Before the test You will need to remove … passes into breast milk and even less is passed on to the baby. But if you are concerned, you can stop breastfeeding … get this medicine, be sure you have someone to take you home. How It Is Done Before the test You will need to remove …
HealthLinkBC files
… Examples are: Access to safer substance use supplies Take home naloxone Drug checking services Referrals to health and … reduce harm with people who use substances? Use person-first language (for example “person with substance use … equipment like needles and safe disposal, carry a take home naloxone kit, share and provide connections to …
Health topics
… affection. But sometimes, you can try everything and your baby won't stop crying. Here are some tips that may help soothe and calm your baby down. Snuggle your baby close to your chest. Check your baby's diaper. Make …
Health topics
… Overview A diary for colic shows the baby's daily activities and the amount of time spent in each … Crying and fussing periods. Who was present when the baby was crying? What comfort measures were used? Was the baby being held when the crying began? Sleeping periods. Was …
Health topics
… Fish Hook Injuries Objects in the Eye Pink Eye + - First Aid Allergic Reaction Animal and Human Bites Burns and … Pregnancy-Related Problems Problems After Delivery of Your Baby Sexual Abuse or Assault (Rape) Sexually Transmitted … alternate path to finding information about your symptoms. First Aid Skin Problems Mental Health Physical Problems View …
Health topics
… A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy during the first 20 weeks. Most happen because the fertilized egg in the uterus … know the cause. The risk of miscarriage is lower after the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy. What are the symptoms? …
Health topics
… more? What is dehydration? Dehydration means that your baby has lost too much fluid. This can happen when a baby hasn't been taking in enough breast milk or formula. Diarrhea, vomiting, or sweating can also cause a baby to lose too much fluid. Common signs of dehydration …