4882 results found
Health topics
… locations closest to you while you're on the go or at home. You can use the keyword search or a city to find a … health services to the citizens of British Columbia. Since first releasing the BC Health Service Locator App, …
Health topics
… for beauty in what's around you. Step outside. Focus on the first tree, plant, or shrub you see. Visit a market, and … at the plants or flowers on display. Create a space in your home that gives you joy. Light a candle, and concentrate on … for beauty in what's around you. Step outside. Focus on the first tree, plant, or shrub you see. Visit a market, and …
Medical tests
… test. In most cases, this test is done between 15 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. It checks the levels of four substances … factors—help the doctor figure out the chance that the baby may have certain problems or birth defects. Health … test. In most cases, this test is done between 15 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. It checks the levels of four substances …
HealthLinkBC files
… amounts of blood on them From a pregnant person to their baby, during pregnancy or birth What are the symptoms? Most … Some people may have a brief illness with symptoms around 6 weeks after being infected with HCV. You can clear HCV and … to take than older medications (no injections). In 8 to 12 weeks, most patients are cured of HCV. If you have chronic …
Health topics
… having regular examinations and watching the condition at home, because dry AMD can sometimes develop into wet AMD. … lines begin to appear wavy or curved. This is usually the first symptom of wet AMD. Objects appear warped, distorted, … Cover one eye. Then, using your other eye, look at the first grid. Repeat with the opposite eye covered. If you …
Health topics
… treatments along with medical treatments. These include: Home treatments, such as heat and cold packs or distraction … used. The kind of pain may vary depending on the cause. The first step in managing cancer pain is understanding the … deal with feelings like this. Although it may be hard at first, look for things each day that help you find a new …
Health topics
… not capable of being manipulative. You will not spoil your baby when you respond promptly and lovingly to his or her crying. In fact, when you quickly satisfy your baby's physical and emotional needs, he or she learns that … is a safe and predictable place. Make eye contact with your baby frequently, such as during feedings. Babies love to …
Health topics
… antibiotics, pain medicines, and diet changes. You can try home treatment, such as a heating pad, for pain. To treat … Call your doctor if you are treating mild diverticulitis at home and: You have a fever. Your pain is getting worse. You … antibiotics, pain medicines, and diet changes. You can try home treatment, such as a heating pad, for pain. To treat …
Health topics
… day, after meals. You can also take varenicline for 12 more weeks than the other methods for a total of 24 weeks. There … same time, such as a patch and gum. But talk to your doctor first to make sure it's okay to combine nicotine replacement … were hardly noticeable. I was done with the gum after the first few weeks, but I ended up staying on the pills for 6 …
… Information last revised February 2023. Copyright(c) 2023 First Databank, Inc. Selected from data included with permission and copyright by First DataBank, Inc. This copyrighted material has been … Information last revised February 2023. Copyright(c) 2023 First Databank, Inc. Selected from data included with …