4882 results found
Healthy eating
… about what you have time to prepare. Some days and weeks are busier than others. When you don’t have a lot of … best for you. On the template you’ve chosen, write down the first meal you plan to prepare or the first ingredient you plan to use. Here are a few options to …
Health topics
… it probably will get better on its own. You can try home treatment to relieve your symptoms. If you don't feel better in 1 to 2 weeks, call your doctor. Examinations and Tests Your doctor will first ask you about your past health, your symptoms, and …
Health topics
… You will also learn how to check your blood pressure at home and weigh the pros and cons of taking medicine to lower … Diet . High Blood Pressure: Checking Your Blood Pressure at Home . Health Topics Medical Tests Make a Wise Decision Take … High Blood Pressure: Over-the-Counter Medicines to Avoid Home Blood Pressure Log Hypertensive Emergency Isolated …
HealthLinkBC files
… to care for your family member during an emergency: Is your home suitable and accessible for a person with their … fluids and minced or pureed food Can you maintain a safe home temperature? This is particularly important during … as wandering? If they are a wanderer, how can you make your home safe and secure Things to think about include: Mobility …
HealthLinkBC files
… with an average of 7 days. Symptoms usually last for 1 to 2 weeks in people who are otherwise healthy. In some cases, … Cryptosporidium may still be in your stools for several weeks and you can still infect others. How can … ice cubes, washing uncooked fruits and vegetables, making baby formula, brushing teeth or rinsing dentures. You can …
HealthLinkBC files
… have never had an influenza vaccine need 2 doses given 4 weeks apart. The second dose improves their level of … a previous dose of influenza vaccine Developed GBS within 8 weeks of getting any influenza vaccine without another cause …
Health topics
… This can help with cramps during the IUD removal. First, you'll have some privacy to get ready. You'll be … you want to become pregnant, you can start trying to have a baby as soon as you like. If you don't want to become … This can help with cramps during the IUD removal. First, you'll have some privacy to get ready. You'll be …
Health topics
… your body feels. Or think about how you breathe when you first wake up in the morning or just before you fall asleep. … lots of breathing exercises you can do to help relax. The first exercise below—belly breathing—is simple to learn and … of the exercise. Practice roll breathing daily for several weeks until you can do it almost anywhere. You can use it as …
Health topics
… the past. You'll have weekly hour-long visits for a few weeks or months or as long as it takes for you to feel … scared and sensitive to the memories. This may be hard at first. It might seem strange to think about stressful things … scared and sensitive to the memories. This may be hard at first. It might seem strange to think about stressful things …
Medical tests
… may be given a shot to numb the area ( local anesthetic ) first. Once a sample is collected, it is placed in a … to be placed in a container with living cells and can take weeks to grow. Any bacteria, fungi, or viruses that grow … may be given a shot to numb the area ( local anesthetic ) first. Once a sample is collected, it is placed in a …