3442 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… or surgically may be recommended to wear a hearing aid. Sensorineural hearing loss Sensorineural hearing loss … to test hearing, and to prescribe, dispense and fit hearing aids. Hearing instrument practitioner - A hearing instrument … to test hearing, and to prescribe, dispense and fit hearing aids. Ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor - An ENT doctor is a …
Health topics
… to feel a little confused, weak, or light-headed when you first wake up or come to. But unless something else is … and not thinking clearly. Feeling very anxious or afraid for no reason. Shock is a life-threatening condition … HomeTreatment RelatedInformation Burns to the Eye Self-Care First aid steps for possible poisoning First aid measures …
Health topics
… Treatment for a finger, hand, or wrist injury may include first aid, medicine, and "buddy-taping" for support. It also may … Post-Operative Problems Cold Temperature Exposure Self-Care First aid for a possible broken bone Most minor finger, …
Health topics
… . Treatment Treatment for an arm injury may include first aid (such as using a brace, splint, or cast), "setting" a … Post-Operative Problems Arm Problems, Non-Injury Self-Care First aid for a possible broken bone Most minor arm injuries …
Health topics
… a leg injury may include rest, ice, elevation, and other first aid (such as using a brace, splint, or cast), or … Leg Problems, Non-Injury Post-Operative Problems Self-Care First aid for a possible broken bone Most minor leg injuries …
Health topics
… change. Treatment Treatment for an elbow injury may include first aid and a brace, splint, or cast. It also may include … Problems Elbow Problems, Non-Injury Self-Care First aid for a possible broken bone Most minor elbow …
Health topics
… place. Treatment Treatment for a facial injury may include first aid and medicine. In some cases, surgery is needed. … to feel a little confused, weak, or light-headed when you first wake up or come to. But unless something else is …
Health topics
… Treatment Treatment for a shoulder injury may include first aid, physiotherapy, and medicine. In some cases, surgery is … to the hospital. Post-Operative Problems Self-Care First aid for a possible broken bone Most minor shoulder …
Health topics
… Treatment for your toe, foot, or ankle injury may include first aid (such as using a brace, splint, or cast), a special shoe … Post-Operative Problems Cold Temperature Exposure Self-Care First aid for a possible broken bone Most minor toe, foot, …
Health topics
… vessels, nerves, lungs, and eyes. Burns are defined as first-, second-, third-, or fourth-degree, depending on how … the larger the burned area, the more serious the burn is. First-degree burns are burns of the first layer of skin . … Diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and HIV/AIDS. Long-term alcohol and drug problems. Steroid …