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3742 results found
Health topics
… is not known. Possible triggers include bacteria, viruses, chemicals, toxins, and allergens such as mould or mildew. … is not known. Possible triggers include bacteria, viruses, chemicals, toxins, and allergens such as mould or mildew. …
Health topics
… sphincter). This can allow stomach acid and juices, the chemicals that break down food in the stomach, to back up … sphincter). This can allow stomach acid and juices, the chemicals that break down food in the stomach, to back up …
Medical tests
… monoxide. Carbon monoxide can come from any source that burns fuel. Common sources are cars, fireplaces, powerboats, … monoxide. Carbon monoxide can come from any source that burns fuel. Common sources are cars, fireplaces, powerboats, …
Medical tests
Health topics
… can form on liquid oxygen devices. Frost can cause skin burns. Oxygen is usually prescribed to raise the saturations … can form on liquid oxygen devices. Frost can cause skin burns. Oxygen is usually prescribed to raise the saturations …
Health topics
… Cut it out (curettage or excision). Use a tool that burns it off (electrocautery or laser treatment). Should you … Cut it out (curettage or excision). Use a tool that burns it off (electrocautery or laser treatment). Should you …