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Health topics
… from gas. Charcoal is usually taken after meals or at the first sign of gas discomfort. Gas relief medicines with … from gas. Charcoal is usually taken after meals or at the first sign of gas discomfort. Gas relief medicines with …
Health topics
… and see things clearly without having to put in my contacts first. Tomas, age 27 I'm not going to have surgery right … and see things clearly without having to put in my contacts first." — Tomas, age 27 "I'm not going to have surgery right … and see things clearly without having to put in my contacts first. Tomas, age 27 I'm not going to have surgery right …
Health topics
… think clearly during an attack. Your plan can help you stay active and have fewer problems. It may include: Your … think clearly during an attack. Your plan can help you stay active and have fewer problems. It may include: Your …
Health topics
… make the person less restless. Keep the person awake and active during the day. Discourage napping unless doing so … make the person less restless. Keep the person awake and active during the day. Discourage napping unless doing so …
HealthLinkBC files
… their bedroom Sleep in the same room as your infant for the first 6 months. This is safest for them, whether for naps … illness in infants and young children Toddler’s First Steps For more information on safer sleep for infants … babies Perinatal Services BC: Safer Infant Sleep Toddler’s First Steps: Sleep and Your Toddler For more information …