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3871 results found
Health topics
… is unexpected. Drugs and alcohol can harm your baby in the first weeks of pregnancy, so the sooner you can stop, the … Problems with how bones form Learning problems Cannabis Early (preterm) labour Low birth weight Learning and development problems …
Health topics
… develop if you have diabetic kidney disease , even in the early stages when your kidney is losing small amounts of protein. … if you have diabetic kidney disease , even in the early stages when your kidney is losing small amounts of protein. …
Health topics
… to take notes for you. Write down the type of cancer, the stage, and possible treatments. You may want to start a … activities for times when you have the most energy. Use labour-saving devices. This may mean using a bedside commode … to take notes for you. Write down the type of cancer, the stage, and possible treatments. You may want to start a …
Health topics
… that the scar on the uterus may break open (rupture) during labour. Women who have a low transverse caesarean scar have … transverse scar have a uterine rupture during a trial of labour. footnote 1 A woman's risk of uterine rupture … (classical) scar. The use of medicine to start (induce) labour. Some doctors avoid the use of any medicine to start …
Health topics
… fuse together and cause a fixed, bent-forward posture. In early ankylosing spondylitis, there is inflammation of the … pain in the low back and buttocks that is often worse in early morning. Some people have more pain in other areas, … gets better slowly as you move around and are active. Early symptoms include: Dull pain in the back. Flares of …
Health topics
… and protects your baby. It usually happens when you are in labour or close to labour. When it happens, women often say their "water … in the amniotic fluid may help start or strengthen labour. Sometimes your membranes may be ruptured by your …
Health features
… disease (or Ebola) is an illness caused by the Ebola virus. Early stages of the disease are characterized by flu-like … People with Ebola are most infectious during the late stages of the infections when they are very ill How do I …
HealthLinkBC files
… whose cries are responded to right away cry less after the first year than babies whose parents let them “cry it out.” … knowing that you are there if they need you. Set the stage for success Create an environment that makes success … help your child by talking about new experiences like the first visit to the dentist. Also, tell you child in advance …
HealthLinkBC files
… Remember that a period of more intense crying in the early months is a normal developmental stage that most babies go through. If your baby's crying is … mouth, licking their lips and sucking their hand. For the first few months of life, babies usually feed at least every …
Health topics
… who have multiple sclerosis (MS) . It has benefits in both early and advanced stages of the disease. Regular exercise can help you: … sclerosis (MS) . It has benefits in both early and advanced stages of the disease. Regular exercise can help you: …