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3869 results found
Health topics
… alone can provide all the nutrients your baby needs for the first six months – with one notable exception being Vitamin …
Health topics
… What is the most serious problem and what do you need to do first? The most obvious problem is not always the most … the most life-threatening problems like bleeding or shock first. If you think the person has a spinal injury, do not … breathing normally. There may be a pocket mask at a nearby first aid station or in a first aid kit. You can use the …
Health topics
… have symptoms, you probably don't need treatment. If your first gallstone attack causes pain, your doctor may tell you … right abdomen ) along with a fever and chills that are clearly not caused by a stomach infection or any other reason. … or condition to see if you need treatment. It's often the first approach to a first attack of gallstone pain. Check …
Health topics
… changes to getting the chance to see your baby for the first time - here's an overview of what to expect during the …
Health topics
… you'll injure yourself. For example, walk for 10 minutes first. Flexibility exercises should focus on your whole …
HealthLinkBC files
… immediate access to at least one employee who: Has a valid first aid and CPR certificate Is knowledgeable about each … to communicate with emergency workers Can easily access first aid supplies, including when care is provided off the … Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) at First aid and CPR training, visit St. John Ambulance at …
HealthLinkBC files
… There are two kinds of sleep related infant death. The first is called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, which … your baby’s needs with your health care provider. In the first months after birth, if your baby rolls onto their … is a safer sleeping arrangement than sharing a bed. For the first 6 months, have your baby sleep on a separate surface …
Health topics
… suddenly stop taking aspirin without talking to your doctor first. Talking to your cardiologist first is especially important if you have had a stent placed … and an NSAID pain reliever every day, talk to your doctor first. Ask your doctor what pain reliever you should take. …
Health topics
… PND don't feel increased shortness of breath when they first lie down. But after several hours of lying down, they … may drive to the store instead of walking. Some people at first deny that they have been experiencing this symptom. It … the swelling. Sudden weight gain Weight gain may be the first noticeable sign that you have developed heart failure …
Health topics
… that people who use a diet plan tend to lose more weight at first than people who try to lose weight on their own. But … or support groups. People tend to lose more weight at first when they follow a plan. Some people do better when … tried dieting to lose weight before. It always works at first, but as soon as I stop eating the "diet food," the …