3869 results found
Medical tests
… them. If your arms are being tested, they will be tested first while you lie down. Then they'll be tested again while … the legs are tested, a blood pressure cuff may be wrapped first around the calf and then around the thigh. The test … When the arms are tested, the pressure cuff may be wrapped first around the forearm and then around the upper arm. …
Health topics
… stop taking your medicine without talking to your doctor first. What are the symptoms? The main symptoms of … is overactive bladder treated? Things to try at home The first step in treatment will be to try some things at home, … stop taking your medicine without talking to your doctor first. What are the symptoms? The main symptoms of …
Health topics
… vague symptoms, such as vomiting or a poor appetite. At first these symptoms may seem related to an infection, such … baby. Abusive head trauma may cause only mild symptoms at first, but any head injury in a young child can be … vague symptoms, such as vomiting or a poor appetite. At first these symptoms may seem related to an infection, such …
Health topics
… done in the dentist's or oral surgeon's office. The dentist first numbs (freezes) the area around the tooth. You may … liquid in your mouth. And don't use a straw for the first few days. These actions can loosen the blood clot and … done in the dentist's or oral surgeon's office. The dentist first numbs (freezes) the area around the tooth. You may …
Health topics
… part of your low back, in the area of the last thoracic and first, second, and third lumbar vertebrae (T12, L1, L2, L3 … of possible pressure on a nerve root at the level of the first sacral vertebra (S1 region). Sensory testing Testing … part of your low back, in the area of the last thoracic and first, second, and third lumbar vertebrae (T12, L1, L2, L3 …
HealthLinkBC files
… grain” followed by the name of the grain as one of the first ingredients. For example, look for a whole grain flour as a first ingredient in bread. Whole wheat foods, such as 100% …
HealthLinkBC files
… Abuse and Information Line (SAIL), hosted by Seniors First BC, 604 437-1940 in Vancouver or toll-free at 1 866 437-1940, or visit https://seniorsfirstbc.ca/ Government of B.C. – Protection from Elder Abuse …
Health topics
… a disease caused by a type of coronavirus. This illness was first found in 2019 and has since spread worldwide … reduce your risk of serious illness need to be taken in the first few days after you get sick. You may be able to get … a disease caused by a type of coronavirus. This illness was first found in 2019 and has since spread worldwide …
Health topics
… medicine. Pain medicine works best if you use it when you first notice pain, before it becomes bad. You are the only … Your pain medicine will work best if you use it when you first notice pain, before it becomes bad. Be ready for … medicine. Pain medicine works best if you use it when you first notice pain, before it becomes bad. You are the only …
Health topics
… Talk with someone in the group before attending for the first time. Usually work best if all members participate. It … important to talk in the group, especially if it is your first time. Listening (and offering silent encouragement by … Talk with someone in the group before attending for the first time. Usually work best if all members participate. It …