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3869 results found
Health topics
… medicines. Fluoxetine (Prozac) is usually the first type of antidepressant given. Another SSRI, such as … side effects, but they will usually go away within the first few weeks. Common side effects include: Nausea. Loss … suicide while taking antidepressants, especially during the first few weeks of treatment. A combination of fluoxetine …
Health topics
… This is even more likely if the change happens during the first 2 to 3 weeks of life. As babies grow older, the number … any blood in your child's stool or diaper? Blood that is clearly coming from a scratch or an irritated area of the skin … at least 1 or 2 bowel movements a day. By the end of their first week, they may have as many as 5 to 10 bowel movements …
Health topics
… nerve controls movement and feeling in your thumb and first three fingers . It doesn't control movement of your … drop objects. Pinch an object between your thumb and first finger. (This is called loss of pinch strength.) Use … they are usually worse in one hand than the other. You may first notice symptoms at night. People with carpal tunnel …
Medical tests
… fibrosis . For this test, you breathe through a tube. First you breathe air that contains a tracer gas. Then you … with force in one breath. Lower FEV1 divided by FVC See the first two tests above. Lower Forced expiratory flow 25% to … in one breath. Normal or lower FEV1 divided by FVC See the first two tests above. Normal or higher Forced expiratory …
Health topics
… probably will have you try lifestyle changes and CPAP first. But surgery might be your first choice if your sleep apnea is caused by a blockage … tips to prevent snoring. I am going to try these methods first to see if they work before I think about having a …
Health topics
… right away, or a balloon (tissue expander) may be put in first. Over a few months, the expander is filled with saline … of surgery, there is a risk of infection, usually in the first week or two after surgery. Problems can happen that … after the trauma of cancer. Claudia, age 42 When my doctor first mentioned that I could have my breast rebuilt after …
Health topics
… be helpful to measure and weigh your food when you are first learning to count carbs. Choose lean protein sources. … be helpful to measure and weigh your food when you are first learning to count carbs. Choose lean protein sources. …
Health topics
… If 3 to 5 minutes of activity are all you can manage at first, just do that. When you're ready, try to exercise a … If 3 to 5 minutes of activity are all you can manage at first, just do that. When you're ready, try to exercise a …
Health topics
… typically positioned head-down (vertex), ready to pass head first through the birth canal. Sometimes a fetus is in a … typically positioned head-down (vertex), ready to pass head first through the birth canal. Sometimes a fetus is in a …
Health topics
… reversal decline over time. Reversals work best during the first 10 years after a vasectomy. footnote 1 In general, … reversal decline over time. Reversals work best during the first 10 years after a vasectomy. footnote 1 In general, …