3012 results found
Medical tests
… Done An ear examination may be done: As part of a routine physical examination. As part of the process to screen … can be done in a doctor's office, a school, or the workplace. For an ear examination, the doctor uses a special … in response to the changes in pressure. How It Feels The physical examination of the ear using an otoscope usually …
HealthLinkBC files
… does indicate: The well may require improved sanitation or physical upgrades The well may be subject to surface … chemicals Chemicals found in well water can come from human activity and natural sources. Most naturally occurring … health. For example, low levels of fluoride have dental benefits, but high levels can have a negative impact on the …
Health topics
… week. Being overweight or obese. Not getting exercise or physical activity. Race. People of African, South Asian or Indigenous … products. Eat less saturated and total fats. Learn more Fitness: Getting and Staying Active Healthy Eating: Eating …
Health topics
… Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Physical Rehabilitation … a sprained ankle can help prevent ongoing ankle problems. Physical Rehabilitation In the case of a minor sprain, … discomfort. Stretch daily, especially before and after physical activities to prevent reinjury. Even after your …
Health topics
… Other people who smoke. Avoid the smoking areas at your workplace. If there is an entryway where people who smoke … Other people who smoke. Avoid the smoking areas at your workplace. If there is an entryway where people who smoke …
Health topics
… weight,'" Bob says. "That's when I got my bike." Finding an activity he enjoys Bob says he decided to bike because it … he jokes. Winters make it a little harder for him to stay fit, but he still rides. He says his weight creeps up during … he jokes. Winters make it a little harder for him to stay fit, but he still rides. He says his weight creeps up during …
Health topics
… Milestones usually are grouped into five major areas: physical growth, cognitive development, emotional and social … language development, and sensory and motor development. Physical growth and development Most children by age 10: … ride a bike, and enjoy activities that require a degree of physical conditioning. Continue to advance their fine motor …
Health features
… publicly. They cannot be used in public buildings and workplaces, near doorways or air intakes of public … more. If you smoke or vape, remember to maintain a safe physical distance. Stay at least two metres (six feet) apart …
Health topics
… In general, a child grows and changes in four main areas: Physical development. Adolescence is a time of change … hair. It's important to reassure your child that these physical changes are normal, whether they occur earlier or … maybe your child is anxious about joining a school-related activity, such as band or a team sport. You can make sure …
Healthy eating
… important parts of a healthy lifestyle: diet, weight, and physical activity. Eating a healthy diet, being at a healthy weight, … of fat, sugar, and salt. Decide how and when these foods fit into your plans to reduce your risk. Here are some tips: …