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6133 results found
Health topics
… to lift, bathe, do housework, drive, walk, take stairs, and exercise. It is also important to discuss sex. Ask your … muscles weak. Ask your doctor if there are some leg and arm exercises you can do. The stronger your body, the more … to lift, bathe, do housework, drive, walk, take stairs, and exercise. It is also important to discuss sex. Ask your …
Health topics
… your urine is light yellow or clear like water. Get some exercise every day, if possible. Take a fibre supplement, … pathologist (also called a speech therapist) can teach you exercises and show you other ways to help with eating, … your urine is light yellow or clear like water. Get some exercise every day, if possible. Take a fibre supplement, …
Health topics
… you increase the amount of fluids you drink. Get some exercise every day. Build up slowly to at least 2½ hours of moderate to vigorous exercise a week. Take a fibre supplement, such as Benefibre … you increase the amount of fluids you drink. Get some exercise every day. Build up slowly to at least 2½ hours of …
Health topics
… friends. Try to eat healthy foods, get some sleep, and get exercise (or just get out of the house) to help you feel … are pregnant and early in the pregnancy), and get regular exercise. It's especially important to avoid alcohol, … friends. Try to eat healthy foods, get some sleep, and get exercise (or just get out of the house) to help you feel …
Health topics
… If home treatments such as resting the jaw and jaw exercises don't work, you can try several months of wearing … treatment like stress reduction, joint rest, jaw exercises, ice, use of a dental splint, or medicine. You may … and wearing a dental splint. And soon I'll be starting jaw exercises. Ann, age 35 My doctor and I have decided to use …
Health topics
… a person's health and performance. When you are first learning biofeedback, you may have sensors attached to your … The biofeedback therapist may teach you physical and mental exercises that can help you control the body function. The … The biofeedback therapist may teach you physical and mental exercises that can help you control the body function. The …
Health features
… doctors can also provide advice on nutrition and exercise to support recovery and promote prevention. Over 80 …