4184 results found
Health topics
… Swelling On this page: Overview Health Tools Check Your … Check Your Symptoms Overview Swelling is an increase in the size or a change in the shape … problems. One example is heat edema from working or being active in a hot environment. Body fluid can collect in …
Health topics
… preschoolers (3-5 years) Overview A child’s world is always expanding. Interactions with family and friends will help shape their personality and ways of thinking and moving. As they become more independent, they will want to explore. Learn ways of nurturing your child’s development and build your …
Health topics
… healthy eating means. Our topics can teach you how to eat well, whether your goal is to feel good, manage your weight, … B12 Deficiency Anemia Vitamins: Their Functions and Sources Ways to Track Your Weight-Loss Efforts Weight Loss by … B12 Deficiency Anemia Vitamins: Their Functions and Sources Ways to Track Your Weight-Loss Efforts Weight Loss by …
HealthLinkBC files
… Your baby is getting enough formula if they’re growing well and have 6 or more wet diapers a day by the time … first foods (#69c) Helping your 1 to 3 Year old child eat well (#69d) Meal and snack ideas for your 1 to 3 year old …
Health topics
… the insulin needle, your child's doctor can prescribe an indwelling subcutaneous cannula. A small needle is used to … If your child is going to help, wash his or her hands well. Gather the supplies. Keep the supplies in a bag or kit … your child needs to. If you think that you can do the task well, give your child a dose of insulin while a doctor …
Health topics
… of your success? These things are called barriers. Plan for ways to deal with them. Create goals you can achieve. There are ways to make a big goal easier. Break your big goal into … how important the change is to you. Here are some ways to find support. Find someone who's been through the …
Health topics
… pale, or cold and different from other leg Is there any swelling or bruising? Yes Swelling or bruising No Swelling or bruising Did you have … hip or leg that has lasted more than an hour? Weakness is being unable to use the hip or leg normally no matter how …
Health topics
… in the body—are more likely to have another. Being male. Men are more likely to have a leg aneurysm. High … include: Sudden pain in your leg or foot. Your leg or foot being cool or pale or changing colour. Tingling or numbness … in the body—are more likely to have another. Being male. Men are more likely to have a leg aneurysm. High …
Health topics
… muscles. The electrical current may cause rapid and severe swelling in the throat and lungs, making it hard for a person … in outdoor sports activities increases your risk of being struck by lightning. You need to be evaluated by a … muscles. The electrical current may cause rapid and severe swelling in the throat and lungs, making it hard for a person …
HealthLinkBC files
… Illness does not usually occur until several decades after being infected. People who get sick may develop a rare blood … infection from HTLV-1? You can protect yourself from being infected with HTLV-1 by: Never sharing needles, …