4184 results found
Health topics
… an exercise program and increase activity levels. Living Well with COPD – Get Moving and Breathe Easy (McGill … of daily physical activity on a long-term basis. Living Well with COPD – A Plan of Action for Life (McGill …
Health topics
… be feeding constantly! The truth is, if your baby's feeding well, gaining weight, and has lots of wet and poopy diapers, … bacteria grow in the intestines. If your baby isn't feeding well, especially in the early days, it might help to hand …
Medical tests
… information about your symptoms. The kinds of symptoms, as well as how and when they occur, are important in evaluating … neurological examination. Such an examination will always be done if you have symptoms that suggest MS. Results … neurological examination. Such an examination will always be done if you have symptoms that suggest MS. Results …
Health topics
… . But as we age, our eyes can no longer adjust as well. Starting at about age 40, our eyes naturally begin to … Trouble seeing objects up close. For example, you can't see well enough to read newspaper print. Aching eyes, eye … the problem. But as you age and your eyes can't adjust as well, you will probably need eyeglasses or contact lenses. …
Health topics
… more likely to get past their negative views. Here are some ways you can help others better understand mental health … more likely to get past their negative views. Here are some ways you can help others better understand mental health …
Health topics
… of infection develop. These may include: Increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness. Red streaks leading from the … remove or that keep coming back. Wart treatment doesn't always work. Even after a wart shrinks or goes away, warts may … remove or that keep coming back. Wart treatment doesn't always work. Even after a wart shrinks or goes away, warts may …
Health topics
… weight loss. Night sweats and a fever. A rapid heartbeat. Swelling in the neck (when lymph nodes in the neck are … of pus (abscesses). A hole that forms between nearby airways in the lungs. Difficulty breathing because of blocked … problems. If you plan to move during the time that you are being treated, let your doctor know so that arrangements can …
Health topics
… vessels. Over time, the kidney isn't able to do its job as well. Later it may stop working completely. This is called … your kidneys are less able to do their job, you may have swelling in your body, often in your feet and legs. Other … kidney disease is diagnosed using tests that check how well your kidneys are working. These include a test that …
… for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete … these conditions, report them to your doctor or pharmacist. Being adequately hydrated before and after receiving this … pain, unusual sweating, sudden dizziness/fainting, pain/swelling/warmth in the arm/leg, sudden/severe headache, …
Health topics
… or during the birth. STIs are common. But they don't always cause symptoms. And if they are not treated, they can … or during the birth. STIs are common. But they don't always cause symptoms. And if they are not treated, they can …