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4184 results found
Health topics
… can range from a hairline crack in the bone to the bone being broken into two or more pieces that no longer line up … noticed a snap or pop at the time of injury. There may be swelling and bruising. The toe may also be in a different … examination. Your health professional will look for swelling, purple or black and blue spots, and tenderness. An …
Healthy eating
… Sometimes criteria. All freshly made food and beverages being sold to students should score as Sell . Price …
Health topics
… are the symptoms? Symptoms include shortness of breath and swelling in the legs. You may also feel very tired and feel … of cardiomyopathy late in your pregnancy. If you have swelling in your legs, feel very tired, have trouble … doesn't feel right, get help. If you don't feel like you're being heard, say so. You can say, "I know that pregnancy has …
Health topics
… Lower back pain Pubic pain Sore legs and varicose veins Swelling Constipation Changes in pigmentation on face and stomach Overview Swelling of your feet and ankles is normal during pregnancy. … or sisters developed stretch marks you may follow suit), Being Caucasian Gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy, …
Medical tests
… of C-peptide in the blood can show how much insulin is being made by the pancreas . C-peptide does not affect the … of C-peptide in the blood can show how much insulin is being made by the pancreas . C-peptide does not affect the …
Health topics
… the mask spacer securely over your child's mouth and nose, being sure to get a good seal. The mask must fit snugly, … the mask spacer securely over your child's mouth and nose, being sure to get a good seal. The mask must fit snugly, …
Health topics
… Pain down one or both arms. Pain that comes back after being gone for a few days. Numbness or tingling in your … you prevent it? To help prevent whiplash when you drive, always wear your seat belt and adjust your headrest to the … you prevent it? To help prevent whiplash when you drive, always wear your seat belt and adjust your headrest to the …
Health topics
… most people will not get valley fever again. This is called being immune. But valley fever can come back again in people … most people will not get valley fever again. This is called being immune. But valley fever can come back again in people …
Health topics
… sodium (salt) and saturated fat. Stay at a healthy weight. Being overweight makes you more likely to have high blood … sodium (salt) and saturated fat. Stay at a healthy weight. Being overweight makes you more likely to have high blood …
Health topics
… a baby, and early motherhood do not increase the risk of being disabled by MS over time. footnote 1 There is some … a baby, and early motherhood do not increase the risk of being disabled by MS over time. footnote 1 There is some …