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6360 results found
Health topics
… has itching, and not all itching means you have lice. A health professional can check for lice and their eggs (called nits). But you can also check your child's scalp for lice and nits. To check for lice, use … can look like dandruff. But you can't pick them off with your fingernail or brush them away. Live lice are tan to …
Health topics
… time than you ever meant to. You can't cut down or control your use. Or you constantly wish you could cut down. You … You have strong cravings for opioids. You can no longer do your main jobs at work, at school, or at home. You keep … You keep using, even though you know it is causing health problems. You need more and more of the opioids to …
Health topics
… it may help to quit smoking, stay active, stay at a healthy weight, and get regular checkups and screenings. Your doctor may recommend other things based on your personal health history. For example, taking aspirin to …
Medical tests
… of TB protein ( antigens ) under the top layer of skin on your inner forearm. If you have ever been exposed to the TB bacteria ( Mycobacterium tuberculosis ), your skin will react to the antigens by developing a firm … have been in close contact with someone known to have TB. Health care workers who are likely to be exposed to TB. …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Coughing is your body's way of removing foreign substances and mucus from your lungs and upper airway passages. Productive coughs are … These medicines can cause problems for people with other health problems, such as asthma , heart failure , high blood …
Health topics
… in activities that he or she used to enjoy. The change in your loved one's or friend's behaviour may be so great that … depressed? Here are some things you can do to help: Educate yourself The more you know about depression, the better you … the person set up and get to visits with a doctor or other health professional. Help the person manage medicines. Know …
Health topics
… test 4 weeks before treatment. Fat cells harvested from your body (autologous fat). Man-made biodegradable polymer … Some doctors use fillers that are not approved by Health Canada. Check with your doctor when deciding which treatment is right for you. …
HealthLinkBC files
… is in the vaccines and why Last updated February 1, 2017 HealthLink BC File number 50d Child Immunization Series … ingredients that make them safe and effective to protect your child from disease. Each vaccine contains a small … or weakened and the toxoids are inactive. Vaccines help your child’s immune system build protection against disease. …
Healthy eating
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Your body needs vitamin B12 to help keep your nerve and red blood cells healthy and to make DNA, the genetic material in your cells. …
Health topics
… itching of nasal passages, and sneezing. Overuse can make your congestion worse ( rebound congestion ). So don't use … may make it worse. You should use them only if your high blood pressure is under control. Examples of … be safe for young children or for people who have certain health problems. Before you use them, check the label. If …