961 results found
Health topics
… stools in a day. Severe diarrhea has many causes. Stomach flu ( gastroenteritis ) or food poisoning may cause severe … dehydration by causing your body to lose large amounts of fluid quickly. Be sure to increase your intake of fluids, such as water or a rehydration drink , and to watch …
Health topics
Health topics
… longer than a few days. Rehydration drinks help replace fluids and electrolytes . Plain water doesn't provide … help prevent rotavirus or reduce its severity. Rotavirus vaccine helps protect against rotavirus disease. Depending … longer than a few days. Rehydration drinks help replace fluids and electrolytes . Plain water doesn't provide …
Health topics
… More infections. People who smoke have more colds, influenza (flu), and pneumonia than people who don't smoke. After you … More infections. People who smoke have more colds, influenza (flu), and pneumonia than people who don't smoke. …
Health topics
… by a bright red rim. The rash is often accompanied by flu-like symptoms, including: Fatigue (the most common … by a bright red rim. The rash is often accompanied by flu-like symptoms, including: Fatigue (the most common …
Health topics
… rather than lighter. Your flow has a foul smell. You have flu like symptoms or an unexplained fever over 38°C. The … have constipation that is not relieved with diet, lots of fluids, physical activity, and stool softeners … Your body …
Health topics
… (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen. Cold and influenza (flu) medicines. These often contain decongestants and … (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen. Cold and influenza (flu) medicines. These often contain decongestants …
Health topics
… sick less often, heal faster, and have fewer colds and influenza (flu) episodes. And they have less bronchitis and pneumonia. … sick less often, heal faster, and have fewer colds and influenza (flu) episodes. And they have less bronchitis and …
Health topics
… be more severely affected by common infections, such as influenza and pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae . This is why immunizations for influenza (the flu) and pneumococcal disease are recommended for people who …
Health topics
… both. You may also have a fever and have chills, aches, and flu-like symptoms. The symptoms of mastitis most often … without feeding your baby, arrange to pump. Drink plenty of fluids. If you drink something while you breastfeed, it can … both. You may also have a fever and have chills, aches, and flu-like symptoms. The symptoms of mastitis most often …