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Health topics
… (barotrauma). It can cause problems with the eustachian tube and trap air in or keep air out of the middle ear. … (barotrauma). It can cause problems with the eustachian tube and trap air in or keep air out of the middle ear. …
Health topics
… cause hearing loss that goes away with treatment. In sensorineural hearing loss, sound reaches the inner ear. But a … hearing loss. In mixed hearing loss, you have both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss. Hearing loss can range … person isn't there. Blocked Eustachian Tubes Ear Infections Ear Problems and Injuries, Age 11 and …
Health topics
… severe pain as they break loose and travel through narrow tubes to exit the body. A skin cyst . A cyst that is filled … severe pain as they break loose and travel through narrow tubes to exit the body. A skin cyst . A cyst that is filled …
Healthy eating
… ointments, and these are usually available in jars or in tubes. Moisturizers can be divided into three categories …
Health topics
… can cause jaundice and problems digesting food. A hollow tube called a stent may be placed to keep the bile duct … can cause jaundice and problems digesting food. A hollow tube called a stent may be placed to keep the bile duct …
Health topics
… they are narrowed and by how much. During the test, a thin tube called a catheter is placed in an artery of your wrist … they are narrowed and by how much. During the test, a thin tube called a catheter is placed in an artery of your wrist … they are narrowed and by how much. During the test, a thin tube called a catheter is placed in an artery of your wrist …
Health topics
… half of your stomach is removed, leaving a thin sleeve, or tube, that is about the size of a banana. Because part of … half of your stomach is removed, leaving a thin sleeve, or tube, that is about the size of a banana. Because part of … half of your stomach is removed, leaving a thin sleeve, or tube, that is about the size of a banana. Because part of …
Health topics
… no longer have menstrual periods. The ovaries and fallopian tubes also may be taken out at the same time. This surgery … no longer have menstrual periods. The ovaries and fallopian tubes also may be taken out at the same time. This surgery … no longer have menstrual periods. The ovaries and fallopian tubes also may be taken out at the same time. This surgery …
Health topics
… juices back up (reflux) into the esophagus. This is the tube that leads from the throat to the stomach. This process … juices back up (reflux) into the esophagus. This is the tube that leads from the throat to the stomach. This process …