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6360 results found
Health topics
… The most common symptom of cholecystitis is pain in your upper right abdomen that can sometimes move around to your back or right shoulder blade. Other symptoms include: … cholecystitis will depend on your symptoms and your general health. People who have gallstones but don't have any …
Health topics
… important to drink enough water? Water keeps every part of your body working properly. It helps your body flush wastes and stay at the right temperature. It … more fluid. You need to replace this lost fluid to stay healthy. If you don't get enough water, you could become …
Health topics
… breathing. ARDS can develop quickly. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will diagnose ARDS based on a medical and … fits over the mouth. If you still have trouble breathing, your doctor may insert a breathing tube that is connected to … But it can take a few years to do so. Others have long-term health problems, such as: Breathing problems, like shortness …
Health topics
… be caused by a lack of sunlight. Lack of light may upset your "biological clock," which controls your sleep-wake pattern and other circadian rhythms . Lack … such as depression. Your doctor may also do a mental health assessment to get a better idea of how you feel and …
Health topics
… process sensory stimulation from the outside world. Your child may: Either be in constant motion or fatigue … swinging, sliding, or going down ramps or other inclines. Your young child may have trouble learning to climb, go down … with development and behaviour concerns or a mental health professional can check for these conditions. Your
Health topics
… at different times of the year. Learning what triggers your allergy symptoms will help you manage and treat your allergies. Managing your allergies is an important part of your health and can help you avoid other problems. Pollen Plants …
Medical tests
… germs that are normally found on the penis or vagina. Wash your hands before you collect the urine. If the collection … it down with the inner surface up. Clean the area around your penis or vagina. Start to urinate into the toilet or … lid on the cup. Wash your hands. Other collection methods A health professional may collect a urine sample by placing a …
Health features
… ill, it might not be from Mycobacterium chimaera. See your doctor if you experience a combination of these signs lasting longer than a few days. Call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 to speak to a registered nurse any time of the day or night to ask about your symptoms and for advice on when to see a doctor. If you …
Health topics
… medicines, herbs, vitamins, and other natural health products. Use this as a guide when you fill out the … buy the medicine. If you use more than one pharmacy to get your medicines, make sure the pharmacist at each store knows … such as 3 times a day. Side effects to look for. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for side effects you need to watch …
Health topics
… is a mineral. It helps keep the right mix of fluids in your body. It also helps your nerves, muscles, and heart work properly. What foods … replace potassium you lose during exercise. Certain natural health products. Chronic Kidney Disease …