6275 results found
Health topics
… including tests, medicines, physiotherapy, surgeries, and food or exercise suggestions or limitations. Ask your … and treatment plans. This will help you and your doctor track your care and find problems more easily. Working with … will be more convenient. Ask your doctors or their staff how long visits will take, including time in the waiting …
Health topics
… thinking about these barriers now, you can plan ahead for how to deal with them if they happen. There will be times … make your diet healthier while still allowing you to eat foods that you enjoy. A trainer or physiotherapist can help … make your diet healthier while still allowing you to eat foods that you enjoy. A trainer or physiotherapist can help …
Health topics
… You can make your home safer with a few simple measures. How can you make your home fall-proof? Making your home … are easy things you can do to make your home a lot safer. Keep walking paths clear. Remove things that you can trip … of falling. Install grab handles. Put grab bars in your shower or tub and near the toilet. Use non-skid mats in your …
Health topics
… urge cord blood banking for this reason. It is not known how likely a child is to need a transplant of his or her own … patient's body is much less likely to reject them. How much does it cost? It costs money to store your baby's … Think about what matters most to you in this decision, and show how you feel about the following statements. Reasons to …
HealthLinkBC files
… h aemophilus influenzae type b (DTaP-HB-IPV-Hib) vaccine How does pertussis spread? Pertussis spreads easily when an … coughs, sneezes or has close contact with others. Sharing food, drinks or cigarettes, or kissing someone who has the …
Health topics
… of the medicines you take. This includes why you take it, how to take it, what you can expect while you're taking it, … for at least 6 months after you feel better. This can help keep you from getting depressed again. Your doctor may want … you didn't expect. Medicines may also interact with certain foods or drinks, like grapefruit juice and alcohol. Some …
Health topics
… to serious disease. Treatment can usually cure hepatitis C. How is it diagnosed during pregnancy? A blood test for … delivery. It isn't spread through breast milk, sharing food or drink, or casual contact like hugging. What are the … quitting, tell your doctor or midwife. Treatment can help keep you and your baby healthy. Do not drink alcohol. …
Health topics
… at a clinic or emergency room. These techniques focus on keeping your child's airway open to make breathing easier. … sound and appear worse than they really are. Use moisture. How can you help manage your child's croup episode? A croup … a puzzle, or watching television. Try running a hot shower to create steam. Do NOT put your child in the hot …
Health topics
… give you a sense of satisfaction, boost your confidence and keep you committed to regular activity. Keeping a weekly log … and need to know what your current level of activity is. How to use a weekly physical activity log Record your activity goals. Record the type of activity you do and how long you’re active. For example, record any physical …
Health topics
… This makes the heart thicker and larger than normal. How is it treated? Health professionals, family or friends, … hospital, the person will receive emergency care. This care keeps the heart and lungs working to prevent damage to the … diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables and other high-fibre foods. Exercise for at least 30 minutes on most, if not all, …