6275 results found
Health topics
… the heart, lungs, kidneys, blood cells, or nervous system . How is it diagnosed? There is no single test for lupus. Your … need. With good self-care, most people who have lupus can keep doing their regular daily activities. Help your family … A balanced diet includes vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, and protein foods. Eat a variety of foods from each …
Health topics
… fainting, seizure, and trouble walking or balancing. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor asks you about your medical … and cannabis. Being overweight. Not eating healthy foods. Physical inactivity. Risk factors you can't change … Medicines that prevent blood clots Antiplatelet medicines keep platelets in the blood from sticking together. They …
Health topics
… enough of that nutrient. These guidelines are issued by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of … based on the latest data. What does "Daily Value" mean on a food label? Daily Value (DV) is found on the Nutrition Facts label of any packaged food or drink. The DV shows the amount of a nutrient in one serving as a …
Health topics
… you may have pinpoint spots under the skin from bleeding. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will do a physical … frequent bruising, or very heavy menstrual bleeding. You keep having fevers. You have night sweats. You have bone … first notice pain, before it becomes severe. Eat healthy food. If you do not feel like eating, try to eat food that …
Health topics
… pain or trouble swallowing. Or your voice may be hoarse. How is it diagnosed? If you have a lump in your neck that … normally made by the thyroid gland. This can also help keep thyroid cancer from coming back. Sometimes treatment … you are having a problem with your medicine. Eat healthy food. If you don't feel like eating, try to eat food that …
Health topics
… adults include bruising, bleeding easily, and bone pain. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will do a physical … frequent bruising, or very heavy menstrual bleeding. You keep having fevers. You have night sweats. You have bone … first notice pain, before it becomes severe. Eat healthy food. If you do not feel like eating, try to eat food that …
Health topics
… the digestive system to slow down. The muscles that push food down the esophagus also move more slowly when you are … But talk to your doctor or midwife before you use them. How is heartburn treated? Treating heartburn during … caffeine. These include coffee, tea, and some sodas. Avoid foods that have a lot of acid. These include tomatoes and …
Health topics
… symptoms of locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer. How is it diagnosed? Advanced and metastatic prostate cancer … health problems, you may choose only those treatments that keep you comfortable (palliative care). Examinations and … first notice pain, before it becomes severe. Eat healthy food. If you do not feel like eating, try to eat food that …
Health topics
… to learn about alcohol, it’s effects on your body, and how you can reduce your risks. The less you drink, the lower your risks. On this page: How alcohol affects your health If you don’t want to drink … make the effects of alcohol more intense. It’s best to eat foods high in proteins and fats so that the effects of …
HealthLinkBC files
… called a bloom will form. Cyanobacteria blooms are natural. However, some human activities (such as agriculture or a … more likely. What do cyanobacteria blooms look like and how long will they last? Image Not all blooms are easy to … from the water. Do not expose plants that are grown for food to water contaminated with cyanobacteria. The toxins …