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Health topics
… lung disease, such as COPD . Aren't eating enough healthy foods and are malnourished. Have a weak immune system . Have … They may also start shortly after being sent home. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your … lung disease, such as COPD . Aren't eating enough healthy foods and are malnourished. Have a weak immune system . Have …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Tigrinya Document Ukrainian Document Vietnamese Keep your child safe. Get all vaccines on time. By getting … getting immunized because of a cold or other mild illness. However, if you have concerns speak with your health care … contact with an infected person’s saliva when sharing food, drinks, cigarettes, or by kissing. Varicella can also …
Health topics
… many cases, bacterial vaginosis doesn't cause any symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Doctors diagnose bacterial vaginosis by … that contains alcohol if you are taking metronidazole. Keep using your medicine if you start your period. Use pads … with the probiotic Lactobacillus . This is found in foods like yogurt and in dietary supplements. But more …
Health topics
… have swelling and weight gain, or have trouble sleeping. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about past … disease means that your kidneys may no longer be able to keep you alive. When your kidneys get to the point where … your need for calories with your need to limit certain foods, such as sodium, fluids, and protein. Some people also …
Health topics
… wets their clothes instead of using the toilet. How do you give time-outs? Before you start a time-out: Find … a good mood. Explain that bad behaviour, such as throwing food or not sharing toys, will result in a time-out. To give … a good mood. Explain that bad behaviour, such as throwing food or not sharing toys, will result in a time-out. To give …
Health topics
… the caregiver to interpret or respond to the child's needs. How is failure to thrive treated? If your child's failure to … to thrive as expected. You have trouble getting formula or food. Your child has any new symptoms. … to thrive as expected. You have trouble getting formula or food. Your child has any new symptoms. …
Health topics
… their own. A full stomach can be caused by: Eating too much food too quickly. Drinking too much alcohol. Swallowing too … and then a cold beverage. Emotional stress or excitement. How are hiccups treated? Most bouts of hiccups go away on … their own. A full stomach can be caused by: Eating too much food too quickly. Drinking too much alcohol. Swallowing too …
Health topics
… harm’s way. Learn about the proactive steps you can take to keep your baby safe.  Creating a safe environment for your … spend most of your time is a great starting point. Learn how to make informed decisions about equpiment you may use … hazards (especially when your baby starts eating solid foods). Young children’s mouth muscles aren’t …
Health topics
… to have one of these procedures if pain or other symptoms keep you from doing your daily activities. FAQs What is … blood pressure, and smoking add to plaque buildup and PAD. How is peripheral arterial disease treated? Treatment for … you stop. Have a heart-healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise, and staying at a healthy …
Health topics
… (edema) in your legs, ankles, feet, and belly. Chest pain. How is it diagnosed? It can be hard to diagnose pulmonary … your COVID-19 vaccines. Wash your hands often. Eat healthy foods, and try to stay at a healthy weight. Healthy foods can help you have the energy you need. Do not smoke. …