6270 results found
Health topics
… Blindness. Droopy eyelids. Problems with eye movement. How are they diagnosed? If your doctor thinks that you have … may include: Getting physiotherapy. Eating healthy foods. Getting enough rest. Avoiding people who are sick. … may include: Getting physiotherapy. Eating healthy foods. Getting enough rest. Avoiding people who are sick. …
Health topics
… pregnancy may cause early or severe morning sickness . How can you tell if you're carrying more than one baby? A … increase with each extra baby you carry at the same time. Keep in mind that these problems may not happen to you. Many … 30th week, you may have checkups more often. Eat healthy foods. Choose foods rich in folic acid, iron, and calcium. …
Health topics
… adults have with healthy eating, along with some ideas for how to solve them. Solutions to eating problems that older … and fish. Try adding sauce or gravy to the meat to help keep it moist. Choose other protein foods that are naturally soft, such as peanut butter, cooked …
Healthy eating
… medical conditions (e.g. high blood pressure) can affect how much uric acid your body makes or passes (mostly through urine). It's important to keep taking your medications. Talk to your doctor before you … any medications. The amount of purine that you eat. Some food and beverages contain compounds called purines. Purines …
Health topics
… points to remember For early-stage breast cancer, studies show that women who have breast-conserving surgery followed … skin. This is a very personal decision. Your feelings about keeping your breast are just as important as anything else … surgery followed by radiation treatments, studies show: footnote 1 There's a very small difference in the …
Health topics
… aging? Healthy aging means staying well as you get older. How you will feel as you age depends on the type of health … do get an illness, choosing to be active, to eat healthy foods, and to learn how to deal with stress can slow down or … less efficient with age. The kidneys are less able to keep enough water in your body. And the heart can start to …
Health topics
… The physical examination and routine tests often do not show any abnormal problems. As with chronic conditions, RAP … skip any meals, and not overeat at any one meal. Different foods, such as spicy foods or dairy foods, may trigger an … eat any foods that cause abdominal pain. It is important to keep your child doing normal activities as much as possible …
… - Intramuscular Injection On this page: Uses Other Uses How To Use Side Effects Precautions Drug Interactions … deck-ah-NO-ate Common Brand Name(s): Haldol LA Important: How To Use This Information This is a summary and does NOT … document does not contain all possible drug interactions. Keep a list of all the products you use (including …
Health topics
… These nerve cells control the muscles that normally push food and waste through the colon. In children who have … symptoms? Symptoms of Hirschsprung disease can depend on how severe the problem is and how old the child is. Most … These nerve cells control the muscles that normally push food and waste through the colon. In children who have …
Health topics
… It happens when trying to use the affected body part. How is it diagnosed? There is no one test to diagnose … Regular exercise and massages may help. Avoid drinks or foods with caffeine if they make your tremors worse. These … Regular exercise and massages may help. Avoid drinks or foods with caffeine if they make your tremors worse. These …