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Health topics
… the pouches (diverticulitis). The pouches sometimes bleed. How is it diagnosed? In many cases, diverticulosis is … beans, and whole grains in your diet each day. These foods are high in fibre. Drink plenty of fluids. Get some … beans, and whole grains in your diet each day. These foods are high in fibre. Drink plenty of fluids. Get some …
Health topics
… or need some encouragement to eat regularly. Try to offer food more often, including snacks throughout the day. Ask … slip. And if preparing to eat takes a long time, be sure to keep the food at a preferred temperature. You may need to … meal When you help someone eat, it helps to let them know how you plan to help throughout the meal. If the person has …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview How can pressure injuries be prevented? Relieve pressure on … pressure directly on an existing pressure injury. Try to keep the head of a bed, a recliner chair, or a reclining … other treatments for pressure injuries and other wounds. How can you tell if a pressure injury is healing as it …
Health topics
… bleeding. Ask someone you trust if you have questions about how to use them. Tampons and menstrual cups are placed … medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Keep track of the day you start your period each month. This can …
Health topics
… pale. Feel short of breath. Have trouble concentrating. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can decide if you have … include: Diet changes. Ask your doctor if eating more foods high in iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 could help … include: Diet changes. Ask your doctor if eating more foods high in iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 could help …
Health topics
… (animal handlers in research laboratories, scientists, food processors). Chemicals used in the health care industry … the chances are to find out the cause of your symptoms. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose occupational asthma, your … (animal handlers in research laboratories, scientists, food processors). Chemicals used in the health care industry …
Health topics
… positive relationships with people can make a difference in how resilient you are. Try to connect with people who have a … It may also have its own organized social groups. Call a food bank or hospital and ask about their volunteer … It may also have its own organized social groups. Call a food bank or hospital and ask about their volunteer …
HealthLinkBC files
… Snacking is different for everyone. Snack size, types of food, and how often we eat can change based on many factors. This … Make whole grain muffins, granola bars or energy balls to keep in the freezer for busy times Cook a batch of …
Health topics
… a child who has any type of epilepsy. It is not yet clear how or why the ketogenic diet prevents or reduces seizures. … People on a ketogenic diet have to eat mostly fatty foods, such as butter, cream, and peanut butter. Foods such … its effect. If you are thinking about the ketogenic diet, keep in mind: For the diet to prevent seizures, your child …
Health topics
… the facts Your options Don't get allergy shots. Instead, keep taking medicine to control your symptoms, and try to … to take allergy shots for 3 to 5 years. You cannot be sure how long the shots will be effective after you stop getting … beta-blockers, are pregnant, are not able to communicate how the shots are working, or have an impaired immune system …