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Health topics
… a lot is the main symptom of von Willebrand disease. How severe the bleeding is will be different for each … causes stiffness, pain, and swelling. This symptom is rare. How is it diagnosed? Von Willebrand disease can be hard to … and blood thinners. Try to stay at a healthy weight and keep active. This helps keep your muscles and joints …
Health topics
… more confident about carrying out the chosen treatment. How can you partner with your doctor? Here are some tips for … It's also a good idea to know your test results and keep a list of the medicines you take. Prepare your child … Your child's age and developmental level will determine how best to prepare him or her. And ask your older child if …
Health topics
… most important thing in deciding whether to have surgery is how much the symptoms bother you. Surgery works well for … other surgeries. Talk to your doctor about these options. How well does surgery work? The International Prostate … Compare Option 1 Have surgery for an enlarged prostate Keep using medicines to treat your symptoms Compare Option 2 …
Health topics
… a lot of fluid. The rash usually takes more than a week to show up the first time you have a reaction to the oil. It … weeks. But it may last up to 6 weeks in more severe cases. How is the rash diagnosed? A doctor can usually diagnose the … Wear long pants, long sleeves, and closed shoes to help keep the oil from getting on your skin. Wear vinyl or …
Health topics
… reproduce under the skin, causing more bumps and itching. How does it spread? Scabies mites spread from person to … had it before, symptoms will probably start in a few days. How is it diagnosed? Usually a doctor can diagnose scabies … Scabies won't go away on its own. To get rid of it, and to keep from spreading it to others, you need to use medicine. …
Health topics
… causing the kidney injury may be causing other symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Acute kidney injury is most often … of your kidney problem. Blood and urine tests can check how well your kidneys are working. A chemistry screen can … also may take other medicines to get rid of extra fluid and keep your body's minerals in balance. You can help yourself …
Health topics
… often caused by a stomach infection ( gastroenteritis ) or foodborne illness . Diarrhea is your body's way of quickly … Symptoms Do you have diarrhea? Yes Diarrhea No Diarrhea How old are you? 11 years or younger 11 years or younger 12 … usually are not enough. You need to be able to take in and keep down plenty of fluids. Yes Unable to maintain fluid …
Medical tests
… Viral Load Test On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done How to Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview …
Medical tests
… CD4+ Count Test On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview …
Medical tests
… in Blood Test On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview …