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3829 results found
Health topics
… bone thinning if you take vitamin D supplements, eat foods that are rich in calcium, and do weight-bearing … with symptoms. To reduce your risk of osteoporosis, eat foods that are rich in calcium, and take vitamin D … help with symptoms. You can take vitamin D supplements, eat foods that are rich in calcium, and do weight-bearing …
Health topics
… a normal phase of language development. About 75 out of 100 children who stutter get better without treatment. footnote 1 The most common normal disfluency in children younger than age 3 is the repetition of … the beginning of sentences ("I-I want that"). After age 3, children with normal disfluencies most often repeat whole …
Health topics
… Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Some children with dyslexia also have ADHD . But dyslexia and … that are heard are linked with dyslexia. Many times these children have problems remembering the sounds in words long … short list of instructions. Problems with mathematics. Some children with dyslexia have problems learning mathematical …
Health topics
… eyes should appear "straight" and work together. Babies and children with symptoms like "wandering eye" or crossed eyes … eye doctor (optometrist or ophthalmologist), and all young children should have their vision screened. Some important points about your baby's vision: Children with a family history of a lazy or crossed eye are …
Health topics
… may be no better than taking a wait-and-see approach for children who have only a few throat infections a year. Your … occur less often as your child gets older. For some children, tonsillectomy can greatly improve quality of life. … remove the tonsils . It's a common surgery, especially in children, but it is not done nearly as often as it was in …
… pharmacist. Take this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by your doctor, usually once daily in the … Loss of coordination can increase the risk of falling. Children may be more sensitive to the side effects of this … pharmacist. Take this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by your doctor, usually once daily in the …
Health topics
… one of the most common pain-related health problems in both children and adults. You may have a headache along with … problems. Getting too much or too little caffeine. Certain foods or drinks. In rare cases, a headache may be a symptom … problems. Getting too much or too little caffeine. Certain foods or drinks. In rare cases, a headache may be a symptom …
Health topics
… easier. Try milk shakes or juices in gelatin form. Avoid foods such as crackers or cakes that crumble easily. These can cause choking. Soft foods need less chewing. Use a blender to prepare food for … your doctor: Is it safe? Talk with your doctor about the safety and potential side effects of the treatment. This is …
Health topics
… you take aspirin or not. They include eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise, staying at a healthy … whether you take a daily aspirin or not. Eat healthy foods. Get regular exercise. Stay at a healthy weight. Lose … lifestyle. This includes being active, eating healthy foods, staying at a healthy weight, not smoking, and …
Health topics
… 10.0 mmol/L after meals). Gloria kept trying. She used a food log to keep track of everything she ate. She tested her blood sugar often to find out what kinds of foods made it spike. "It took me about 6 months to get into … 10.0 mmol/L after meals). Gloria kept trying. She used a food log to keep track of everything she ate. She tested her …