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4476 results found
Health topics
… that regularly eat meals together tend to eat healthier foods and be closer to a healthy weight than those who … on everyone's part. It may mean eating less of some foods and more of others. If what you eat is different from … what your family eats, ask them to eat a meal from your food plan once a week. If they see that this is as tasty as …
Health topics
… birth. The doctor may also notice the signs of the disease during a routine examination. If your child has a positive … can make it hard for the child to absorb nutrients from food. Sweat glands. You may notice that your child has … This therapy helps the intestines absorb nutrients from food. Nutritional therapy to help replace lost nutrients. …
Health topics
… a gallbladder. There may be small changes in how you digest food, but you probably won't notice them. FAQs What are … surgery is not an option or when problems are found during laparoscopic surgery. The hospital stay is longer … a gallbladder. There may be small changes in how you digest food, but you probably won't notice them. False Correct. …
Health features
… a time to gather and celebrate with family and friends. Food can be a big part of the holiday season, providing … well-being. The holidays can be an opportunity to build new food traditions. Modifying old recipes or adding new dishes … choose from. Here are some ideas for adding new healthful foods to your holiday table: Serve a new vegetable or fruit …
Health topics
… severe headaches and vision problems. How is it diagnosed? During a routine visit, your doctor will measure your blood … you can do. Stay at a healthy weight. Eat heart-healthy foods, and limit sodium. Get regular exercise. Limit … sodium you eat to about 2,000 milligrams (mg) a day. Buy foods that are labelled "unsalted," "sodium-free," or …
Healthy eating
… Spanish Document Vietnamese Protein is found in many foods and is needed to keep you healthy. Your body uses … protein to your diet. Eating protein from a wide variety of food sources will help you meet your needs for nutrients … vitamin B12 and calcium. Plan your meals based on Canada’s Food Guide Include protein at …
Health topics
… Shop Actionset Overview Healthy eating starts with smart food shopping. Here you will find pointers on how to make … you won't be as tempted to buy less healthy ready-to-eat foods, such as candy, chips, or fast food, to satisfy your hunger. Buy smart, and be realistic. …
Health topics
… or injury. Neck problems and injuries most often occur during sports or recreation activities, work-related tasks, … 6 seconds. Repeat 8 to 12 times. When to call for help during self-care Call a doctor if any of the following occur during self-care at home: New or worse weakness or numbness …
HealthLinkBC files
… fibre, nuts, soy protein and plant sterols. Canada's Food Guide and the Mediterranean diet are also heart healthy … What dietary changes can help lower LDL cholesterol? Choose foods with healthy fats instead of saturated fat Healthy fats are found mainly in plant-based foods such as avocado, nuts, seeds, liquid vegetable oils …
… Burning, stinging, tingling or itching skin may occur during the first few weeks, but then subside as your body … your medical history, especially of: asthma Avoid any foods or liquids that may bring on redness, flushing or blushing of the skin (such as spicy foods, alcohol, hot drinks). Before having surgery, tell …