4476 results found
Health topics
… best of conditions. And it can be especially challenging during some life events, like a move or an illness. There … a new board game. Discover a new craft. Or try different foods. Choose a night each week for movies and games. Let … a new board game. Discover a new craft. Or try different foods. Choose a night each week for movies and games. Let …
Health topics
… for preventing or treating constipation. Bulking agents. Food such as bran or products such as Benefibre or Metamucil … but they don't work as well if you don't drink enough water during the day. Osmotic laxatives. Products such as Milk of … for preventing or treating constipation. Bulking agents. Food such as bran or products such as Benefibre or Metamucil …
Health topics
… night-light in the bathroom. ____I store the materials and foods I use the most on lower shelves so that I don't need … that I experience vertigo. They know what might happen during an episode and how they can help. ____I know the side … night-light in the bathroom. ____I store the materials and foods I use the most on lower shelves so that I don't need …
HealthLinkBC files
… may last days, weeks, months or all year, and can even grow during winter when water may be covered in snow or has … by drinking water or by getting it on your skin during recreational activities (swimming, boating or … from the water. Do not expose plants that are grown for food to water contaminated with cyanobacteria. The toxins …
HealthLinkBC files
… vaccine can buy it at most pharmacies and travel clinics. During an outbreak of pertussis or when traveling overseas, … coughs, sneezes or has close contact with others. Sharing food, drinks or cigarettes, or kissing someone who has … can also put you at risk. Pertussis can be spread to others during the early stages of the infection when symptoms are …
Health topics
… have high levels of this fat if you eat or drink too many foods or drinks with added sugar or if you drink a lot of … It's most accurate if it's done after you go without food or drink for 9 to 14 hours (fasting). Triglyceride … includes losing weight, being active, limiting high-sugar foods and drinks, and limiting alcohol. Your doctor may …
HealthLinkBC files
… sodium intake to 2000 mg or less per day. Although many foods contain sodium, most of the sodium we eat comes from processed foods. The main sources of sodium in the average Canadian … sodium Use the Nutrition Facts table to help you choose foods lower in sodium. The percent daily value (%DV) shows …
HealthLinkBC files
… Snacking is different for everyone. Snack size, types of food, and how often we eat can change based on many factors. This includes age, daily routine, activity level, food preferences and culture. This handout gives tips for … have a snack before going grocery shopping. You might buy foods you do not need if you shop while hungry For packaged …
Health topics
… baby or, at the very least, irritate his or her skin. Cold foods or liquids Babies often resist feedings when they are … the area. If your child is eating solids, try offering cold foods and fluids to help reduce the swelling and discomfort. … cold treat where the tooth is erupting. Hard, chewy frozen foods such as bagels and bananas. These types of foods can …
Health topics
… Inhaled quick-relief medicines are used to help you breathe during an asthma attack. They may also be used before … you didn't expect. Medicines may also interact with certain foods or drinks, like grapefruit juice and alcohol. Some … you didn't expect. Medicines may also interact with certain foods or drinks, like grapefruit juice and alcohol. Some …