4474 results found
… who may become pregnant should not handle this medication. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when … barrier protection (such as latex or polyurethane condoms) during all sexual activity during treatment and for at least 90 days after stopping the …
… An important time when your bones continue to build up is during your teenage and young adult years. Use of this … you are not pregnant, the first injection is usually given during the first 5 days of your menstrual period. If you … or missed/irregular periods may occur, especially during the first few months of use. If any of these effects …
… your medical history, especially of any kind of infection. During treatment, tell your doctor right away if you develop … throat, fever, chills, pain when urinating). Before and during treatment with this medication, your doctor will test … Your doctor should also monitor you for symptoms of TB during and after treatment with this drug. If needed, …
… of serious, rarely fatal bleeding. Bleeding has occurred during treatment and as long as one month after stopping … (vomiting 2 or more times per day, unable to eat or keep food/fluids in your stomach) painful redness/swelling/sores … (vomiting 2 or more times per day, unable to eat or keep food/fluids in your stomach) painful redness/swelling/sores …
… It may also be used to prevent blood clots after surgery, during dialysis, during blood transfusions, when collecting blood samples, or … thrombocytopenia and thrombosis-HITT). This can occur during treatment and up to several weeks after treatment …
Health topics
… motion that stresses the calf muscle. This can happen during an intense sports activity or even when you just run … motion that stresses the calf muscle. This can happen during an intense sports activity. It can even happen during simple running or jumping. (This is more common in …
Health topics
… trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. You may wake up during the night or wake up too early the next morning. … sleepy, or anxious and be unable to get things done during the daytime. Find it hard to pay attention, focus on … sleepy, or anxious and be unable to get things done during the daytime. You may find it hard to pay attention, …
Health topics
… Many people with ICDs worry that the ICD might shock them during sex. The risk of getting a shock during sex seems to be the same as during any other similar level of exercise. If you get a …
Health topics
… You can also tear it from getting hit around your knee during contact sports. Injuries like those from a car crash … then push off, change direction, or pivot. This can happen during certain sports, like soccer or basketball. You can also tear it from getting hit in your leg or knee during a contact sport like football or in high-speed sports …
Health topics
… Blood sugar levels during the emergency: _________________ Was a dose of … Blood sugar levels during the emergency: _________________ Was a dose of …