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4478 results found
Health topics
… cardiomyopathy is a condition that some people get during pregnancy or soon after childbirth. The heart muscle … you start an exercise program. Eat a variety of healthy foods. These include vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and whole grains. Also eat foods low in sodium. Stay at a healthy weight for you. Talk …
Health topics
… While you are trying to quit, focus on eating healthy foods and being more active. A stop-smoking medicine can … weight control—whether you smoke or not—is eating healthy food and becoming more active. Don't try to diet when you … positive, and keep temptation away: Don't quit smoking during holiday periods. You're more likely to eat more then. …
Health topics
… Down syndrome. Taking some prescription or other medicines during pregnancy may cause congenital heart defects. Women who use illegal "street" drugs or who drink alcohol during pregnancy have a higher risk of having a baby with a … most cases, congenital heart defects are found at birth or during a baby's first few months. A newborn screening test …
… pharmacist. Take this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by your doctor, usually once daily. The … or injured, use great caution with sharp objects like safety razors and nail cutters. Use an electric razor when … to check you for hidden bleeding that could be serious. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… pharmacist. Take this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by your doctor, usually twice daily. Take a … or injured, use great caution with sharp objects like safety razors and nail cutters. Use an electric razor when … if you are pregnant or if you plan to become pregnant. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Medical tests
… sample. The doctor may use ultrasound to guide the needle during the biopsy. The area will be numb. The biopsy itself … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your procedure. Your doctor will tell you if you … in your arm. The sedative will help you relax and lie still during the biopsy. During the test You will be asked to lie …
Health topics
… this page and fill in the following information before and during your appointment to follow up on a health problem. … appointment? What questions or concerns do I want addressed during this appointment? Do I have any new symptoms? Yes ___ … this page and fill in the following information before and during your appointment to follow up on a health problem. …
Health topics
… lifestyle. Make sure to follow these general sleep tips. During the day Don't drink liquids that have caffeine … use tobacco, especially near bedtime or if you wake up during the night. Nicotine is a stimulant, which means it … . Take a warm bath. Play a quiet game, or read a book. During the night Reduce noise in the house, or mask it with …
Health topics
… activity that have a positive impact on anxiety and safety considerations for activity when living with anxiety. …
Health topics
… and other adverse events for almost everyone. To ensure safety and the reduce risks, increase physical activity …