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4191 results found
Health topics
… from a pet, a farm animal, or a petting zoo. Certain foods. These foods may include coffee, tea, cola, alcoholic drinks, … call for help during self-care Call a doctor if any of the following occur during self-care at home: New or worse pain. …
Health topics
… client and health care professional is built through the following four processes: Engaging with the client Creating … for Promoting Healthy Behaviors (UComm Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity, USA) Motivational Interviewing: Example Scripts (UComm Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity, USA) Advising Ask-Tell-Ask (Centre …
Health topics
… Lack of sleep is hurting your quality of life or raising safety issues. Compare your options Compare Compare Option 1 … to you in this decision, and show how you feel about the following statements. Reasons to have a sleep study Reasons … Lack of sleep is hurting your quality of life or raising safety issues. 2. Compare your options   Have a sleep study …
Health topics
… After talking with my doctor, I feel much better about the safety of blood transfusions. She pointed out that the main … to you in this decision, and show how you feel about the following statements. Reasons to bank blood before surgery … "After talking with my doctor, I feel much better about the safety of blood transfusions. She pointed out that the main …
Medical tests
… deficiency anemia unless their bodies can't absorb it from food. Strict vegetarians (vegans) who do not eat animal … (such as pernicious anemia ). Low levels may also occur following removal of part or all of the stomach … a person is not getting enough vitamin B12 in his or her food. Low levels are linked with hyperthyroidism or folic …
Health topics
… of sugar produced in your body when carbohydrates and other foods are digested. It provides energy to cells throughout … is a hormone that helps your body use sugar from your food as energy. It also helps your body store extra sugar in … manage your blood sugar. Your doctor may have given you instructions on how to manage your blood sugar when you are …
… and get medical help right away if you notice any of the following rare but serious side effects: stomach/abdominal … upset occurs while taking this medication, take it with food, milk, or an antacid. The dosage is based on your … and joint function. Consult your doctor for specific instructions. Missed Dose If you are prescribed this drug on …
… by mouth as directed by your doctor, usually with food or milk. Follow your dosing instructions carefully. The dosage and length of treatment … by mouth as directed by your doctor, usually with food or milk. Follow your dosing instructions carefully. The …
Health topics
… Files are easy-to-read fact sheets about public health and safety topics. The files are available on our website and in …
Health topics
… than at home. Here are some tips that may increase your safety. Keep in mind that this information is not official … than at home. Here are some tips that may increase your safety. Keep in mind that this information is not official …