2327 results found
Health topics
… dairy products. This condition isn't the same thing as a food allergy to milk. When lactose moves through the large … reduced lactose, such as Natrel milk. Eat or drink other foods instead of milk and milk products. Try soy beverage … problems, especially yogurt with live cultures. Read food labels for lactose and for lactose's "hidden" names. …
Healthy eating
… or following a heart healthy diet. Traditional high fat foods are served on these occasions. Occasional indulgences … The following tips will help you to prepare healthier foods for celebrations. Steps you can take Dips, salad … two more layers and top with arranged fruit. Additional resources HealthLink BC www.HealthLinkBC.ca - Get medically …
Health topics
… items, put these on your grocery list as well. Now fill in foods that you use to make breakfasts, lunches, and snacks, … list on the refrigerator and add to it as you run out of foods or think of other things you need. Take the list to … 2: Day 3: Day 4: Day 5: Grocery List Write down any basic food items you need and the ingredients for your meals. …
Health topics
… is a condition in which people eat large amounts of food after the evening meal, often waking up during the … the evening meal, they may eat more than a quarter of the food they eat each day. This pattern of eating cannot be … p.m. to 6 a.m.). But if they do, they eat large amounts of food in a single sitting. People with night eating syndrome …
Health topics
… stereo and does dance moves while washing dishes, putting food away, and cleaning the kitchen. "It takes about a … go down that road if I can avoid it." Linda uses Canada's Food Guide to help her make healthy eating choices. She … and fruits. One-quarter of her plate is whole grain foods. The final quarter of her plate is for protein foods. …
Health topics
… saliva. Saliva helps you chew, swallow, and digest your food. It also neutralizes the acids that form in your mouth. … moist without promoting tooth decay. Eat and drink tart foods and liquids. Tart food and liquids such as sugar-free lemonade, sugar-free …
HealthLinkBC files
… and included. Human milk (breast milk) is the only food your baby needs for the first 6 months. When your baby starts solid foods, continue to offer human milk if you’re able to, until … good for your baby because it: Is the safest and healthiest food for babies Is easy for your baby to digest Helps your …
Health topics
… a plan can help you deal with your emotions without using food. It's about you and what works best for you. Here are a few things you can try. Keep a food journal. This can help you find out what triggers your … emotional eating triggers. Maybe instead of reaching for food, you could call a friend, take a walk, or drink a glass …
… heavy exercise, or do not consume enough calories from food. To help prevent low blood sugar, eat meals on a … heavy exercise, or do not consume enough calories from food. To help prevent low blood sugar, eat meals on a …
… medications, if you do not consume enough calories from food, or if you do unusually heavy exercise. Talk with your … medications, if you do not consume enough calories from food, or if you do unusually heavy exercise. Talk with your …