6339 results found
Health topics
… destroys some normal tissue along with the abnormal tissue. Your doctor will put a tool called a speculum into your vagina. It opens the vagina a little bit. A special fluid may be put on your cervix to make the tissue easier to see. During the …
Health topics
… Overview Overview An asthma diary helps you keep track of how well you are managing your asthma . If you have symptoms or an asthma attack , …
Health topics
… 13 to 21 On this page: If your child with Down syndrome is an adolescent or young adult between the ages of 13 and 21, you will likely have ongoing questions and concerns. Your …
Health topics
… and substance use supports across B.C., please visit HelpStartsHere.gov.bc.ca , managed by the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions. You can also improve your mental wellness by practicing mindfulness, staying …
Health topics
… said. Responding in a way that lets the person know that you understood what he or she was trying to say. Hearing is … active listening Active listening takes practice. When you want to actively listen to someone, use these tips. … kept private and confidential. Reduce distractions. When you listen to a person speak, turn off radios, TVs, and …
Health topics
… These pieces can then pass out of the body in the urine. You may get medicine to make you relaxed and help with pain or discomfort. You will lie on a table. The lithotripsy machine directs …
Health topics
… dry eye syndrome? Dry eye syndrome is a problem involving your tears. Your eyes need tears to stay clean and healthy. Tears are made by glands behind your upper eyelid. Every time you blink, the tears are …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview When you have diabetes, you are at risk for getting other health problems, called complications. This is especially true if your blood sugar levels stay high. Over time, high blood …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Genes influence your weight by their effect on: How calories are used … fat. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) , which is how much energy you burn when you are at rest. If you have a lower BMR, it is easier to …
Health topics
… Headache clinics can evaluate and treat headaches. If your headaches become more severe and medicines aren't working, your doctor may refer you to a headache clinic for more intensive treatment. When …