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Health topics
… is a process known as mehndi. Health Canada recommends that you avoid black henna dyes and pastes for henna tattoos that … to their local health unit. Health Canada recommends that you avoid black henna dyes and pastes for henna tattoos that … contact dermatitis. For that reason, it is recommended that you avoid hair dyes containing henna if you have had a …
Health topics
… the first and third trimesters. During the first trimester, your developing baby (fetus) is growing quickly. Your body is producing higher levels of progesterone . This hormone has been linked to increased fatigue. If you're like many women, you'll have more energy during most …
Health topics
… relieve discomfort and itching until a rash clears up. If you have come in contact with a substance that causes … sumac), immediately wash the area with a lot of water. If you can, use liquid dish soap or a mild soap and very warm … until the itch is gone. Do not use the cream on children younger than age 2 unless your doctor tells you to. Do not …
Health topics
… Personal Decontamination Your skin can be contaminated by contact with dangerous … removing all traces of the harmful substance from your skin can minimize any damage. Watering or burning eyes and stinging or burning skin are signs that you may have been exposed to something harmful. If you know …
Health topics
… apnea snore, not all people who snore have sleep apnea. If you have sleep apnea: How loud and how often you snore changes often. Your snoring disturbs your sleep, such as pauses in …
Health topics
… silicone discs shaped to correct refractive errors . After your doctor tests your vision, he or she will write a prescription for the lens you need. Your prescription may change over time. Contacts …
Health topics
… allergies is a series of allergy shots given to reduce your sensitivity to allergens that cause an allergic … skin. Over time, allergy shots can reduce the severity of your reaction to allergens. To treat allergies to insect … of the insect venom is injected under the skin. At first, you get one or more shots about once a week. The amount of …
Health topics
… an opioid. Taking too much of an opioid can slow or stop your breathing. This is an emergency. If naloxone is given … it may save a life. Naloxone comes in a take-home kit you can carry with you. You may hear it called a Narcan kit or a rescue kit. …
Health topics
… gland , a small gland in the brain. Melatonin helps control your sleep and wake cycles. Very small amounts of it are … in foods such as meats, grains, fruits, and vegetables. You can also buy it as a supplement. Why It Is Used … in low doses for short-term use. But be sure to talk with your doctor about taking them. Children and pregnant or …
Health topics
… A perimetry test (visual field test) measures all areas of your eyesight, including your side, or peripheral, vision. To do the test, you sit and look inside a bowl-shaped instrument called a …