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Health topics
… nerve that can affect any adult. This nerve runs through your pelvic region. This includes your genitals, urethra , anus, and the area between your anus and genitals (perineum). The condition is also …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Many medicines change how well your body can stay cool. They include: Some antidepressants. … diethylamide) can also cause problems. They affect how well you can sense dehydration or heat-related symptoms. They also make you less able to judge whether you need treatment for a …
Health topics
… advanced stages of the disease. Regular exercise can help you: Keep and improve muscle strength and endurance. Control your weight and improve your cardiovascular fitness. Improve your balance, …
Health topics
… medicine bottle or box. Do not use the cream on children younger than age 2 unless your doctor tells you to. Do not use in the diaper area unless your doctor …
Health topics
… with cool water . Fill a sink or dishpan with water. Put your face in the water, then open and close your eyelids to force water to all parts of your eye. You can also flush your eye under a running faucet …
Health topics
… is a tool that delivers liquid medicine as a fine mist. You breathe in the medicine through a mouthpiece or face mask. This sends the medicine directly to your airways and lungs. You breathe in the medicine for a few minutes. Why is a …
Health topics
… Appetite suppressants. These medicines often work by making you less hungry. Water-loss pills. Diuretics, such as … get rid of water. They don't reduce the amount of fat in your body. Risks of taking over-the-counter weight-loss … over-the-counter weight-loss products depend on which ones you take. Be careful with: Appetite suppressants. Using …
Health topics
… to prevent serotonin syndrome is to make sure that all of your doctors know about all of the medicines you are taking. Serotonin syndrome can happen when the level of a substance in your brain (called serotonin) gets too high. Examples of …
Medical tests
… Overview A dilated eye examination lets your eye doctor see the back of your eye ( retina ). It's usually done as part of a regular … tumours. It's usually part of a regular eye examination. You may also have a vision test and a test for glaucoma. How …
Health topics
… Candida albicans . This kind of yeast naturally lives on your skin. When too much yeast grows, it is called a yeast … skin infection is treated with an antifungal medicine. Your doctor may give you a prescription for the cream or ointment. Or you may be …