6339 results found
Health topics
… Constipation: Keeping Your Bowels Healthy On this page: Overview Related … Overview For healthy bowels, avoid constipation. You can try these steps. Eat foods high in fibre. Include fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains in your diet each day. Drink plenty of fluids. Get some …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Increase your fluid intake to replace lost fluids when you have a fever, diarrhea, vomiting, or sweating. The … every hour are based on body weight: Fluid amounts to drink Your weight Fluid Kilograms Pounds Millilitres Ounces 15.0 …
Health topics
… in the second trimester Last updated August 10, 2013 During your second trimester, you’ll see your doctor or midwife about once a month, unless you need …
Health topics
… 5, 2013 Women who have delivered a baby vaginally will tell you that, after the birth, one of the most daunting "firsts" … their first bowel movement. After giving birth, your bowels are often sluggish. This is due to stretched … at drug stores). Use them for a short time only. If you have stitches, you may find that supporting the area …
Health topics
… such as: A hat and face mask. Layers of clothing to keep you warm and dry. Clothing made of wool or synthetic (not … fabric gets wet. Wind- and waterproof outer layers to keep you dry. Wool or synthetic (not cotton) socks and waterproof … or have any pressure areas. Smooth out all wrinkles in your socks when you put them on. Mittens rather than gloves …
Health topics
… continuous and total loss of urinary control. It means that you are always leaking urine. It happens when the muscle … treated by using a thin flexible tube, called a catheter. You use it to empty the bladder regularly. Absorbent … haven't worked or can't be used. These methods may help you manage the problem. Urinary …
Health topics
… after having an abortion. Many people feel relief. But you may also have feelings of grief, sadness, or guilt. Whatever you feel (or don't feel) is normal. A small number of people … have long-term emotional reactions after an abortion. If you have lasting feelings of sadness, guilt, or depression, …
Health topics
… Use the chart below to keep track of how much activity you are getting. Include not only long walks or workouts, but also anytime you do something extra, like taking the stairs instead of … 1. 2. 3. Make a new chart each week and compare your results. The time spent each day and the intensity …
Health topics
… the ability to think, learn, and remember. It develops as your baby grows. Your baby is born with around 100 billion brain cells … are able to work together. This is called cognitive growth. You can help boost your baby's brain growth by providing a …
Health topics
… Overview Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect how your hair looks and feels. Hair loss slows down, and hair growth can increase. You may notice that your hair is thicker and healthier-looking than usual. But …