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Health topics
… High blood sugar occurs when the sugar (glucose) level in your blood rises above your target range. It can happen if: You miss a dose of your type 2 diabetes medicine or a …
Health topics
… Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Actionset Overview If you spend a lot of time doing activities that involve … hand or wrist movement or use of vibrating equipment, you have an increased risk for carpal tunnel syndrome . … with small instruments, knitting, or using a sander. You can reduce your risk—and any hand pain or weakness you
Health topics
… headaches, see Migraines: Finding and Avoiding Triggers . You can have fewer headaches—and less pain when you do get them—by finding out what things, or triggers, bring on your headaches. You can try to avoid triggers to prevent …
Health topics
… Stress Management: Relaxing Your Mind and Body Actionset Overview Take a deep breath. … relaxed? Breathing exercises are one way to relax. Here you will learn about different ways to relax your mind and body. Being relaxed can help ease stress. It …
Health topics
… Bowel Disease: Changing Your Diet Actionset Overview Crohn's disease and ulcerative … colitis are types of inflammatory bowel disease. What you eat doesn't increase the inflammation that causes your disease. But some types of foods, such as high-fibre …
Healthy eating
… Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Introduction Your liver produces bile that helps you digest and absorb fat and fat-soluble vitamins. The gallbladder stores this bile and releases it into your intestine when you eat. Particles in the bile, usually …
Healthy eating
… bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic condition that affects your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Common symptoms of IBS … Abdominal pain Bloating Constipation Cramping Diarrhea You may find your symptoms come and go over time and are triggered by …
Health topics
… age 30, men and women begin to lose bone mass. If over time your bones thin so much that they become fragile and in danger of breaking, you have osteoporosis . You can slow bone loss and could even prevent osteoporosis …
Health features
… illnesses, including the flu and the common cold. Protect yourself and your community against COVID-19 by getting your updated immunizations. On this page: Getting vaccinated …
Health topics
… to baby in 9 months On this page: What does this tool help you learn? What should you keep in mind? What's next? What does this tool help you learn? You can use this tool to discover the amazing …