246 results found
Health topics
… Pressing on the chest during CPR often breaks the person's ribs. People who do survive after their heart has stopped … of yourself. Chest compressions from CPR often cause broken ribs. You may live longer, but your remaining time may be … Pressing on the chest during CPR often breaks the person's ribs. People who do survive after their heart has stopped …
Health topics
Health topics
HealthLinkBC files
… treatment, or they can enter the water supply in the distribution system. Well water can be contaminated if the well … (germs) such as a shallow well or a well drilled in fractured rock. Surface water, such as rivers, lakes and …
Health topics
Health topics
… kinds of condoms. Some condoms are lubricated, some are ribbed, and some have a "reservoir tip" for holding the … kinds of condoms. Some condoms are lubricated, some are ribbed, and some have a "reservoir tip" for holding the …
Health topics
… like your baby is "sucking in" air between or under the ribs. Wheeze, or make a high-pitched sound when breathing. … like your baby is "sucking in" air between or under the ribs. Wheeze, or make a high-pitched sound when breathing. …
Healthy eating
… include higher fat cheese, whipping cream, ice cream, prime rib and spareribs, regular ground beef, sausages, bacon, chicken with the …
Health topics
… in arm and shoulder muscles, which provide support to the rib cage. They help in daily tasks such as carrying … in arm and shoulder muscles, which provide support to the rib cage. They help in daily tasks such as carrying …
Health topics
… Belly pain. Pain in the flank . This is felt just below the rib cage and above the waist on one or both sides of the … have pain on one side of his or her back, just below the rib cage? This is called flank pain . It sometimes is a … belly pain or pain in the flank, which is just below the rib cage and above the waist on either side of the back. New …