6341 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… by-products. These by-products can also get inside your home from car exhaust coming in through a garage. What … monoxide detector Nitrogen dioxide (NO2): May irritate your eyes, nose, throat and lungs and cause shortness of … present What can I do to prevent or limit health concerns? Controlling the source, improving ventilation and using …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … about side effects? Side effects may include: Changes in your weight, cholesterol levels, or blood sugar levels. …
Health topics
… cancer. It's common to have many emotions, or none. And your feelings may change often, without warning. You may feel like your world has turned upside down and you've lost all control. Worry and distress may seem to be taking over your life. You may have anxious thoughts swirling around in …
Health topics
… A hot flash is a sudden feeling of intense body heat. Your head, neck, and chest may get red. Your heartbeat may speed up, and you may feel anxious. You … uncomfortable and upsetting. They can lower the quality of your sleep and daily life. But they aren't a sign of a …
Health topics
… For example, if you change a diaper and don't wash your hands afterward, anything or anyone you touch could get infected. You could even get the illness yourself if you touch your mouth or eat food that you've touched. Children in …
Medical tests
… (sodium). When a tumour that makes aldosterone is present, your aldosterone level will be high while a renin level will … tests. If you are having follow-up aldosterone blood tests, your doctor may give you the following instructions: Eat … A low-salt diet can also increase aldosterone levels. Tell your doctor if you are on a low-salt food plan. Do not eat …
Health topics
… Advance care planning means that you plan ahead for your future health care. Even if you're healthy, it's … the time comes when you aren't able to make decisions for yourself. If you have a serious health problem that is … about end-of-life care can make things easier for you and your family. Clearly stating your wishes can help ease your …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview Thyroid surgery takes out part or all of your thyroid gland. The gland makes hormones that control how your body makes and uses energy (metabolism). A doctor may … nodules, thyroid cancer, and hyperthyroidism. During your surgery, your doctor may take out a lump or nodule. A …
Health topics
… too much bleeding, which can be dangerous for both you and your baby. The placenta may separate too early from the wall … likely to have it if you: Have had a surgery that affected your uterus, such as a D&C or surgery to remove uterine … These include regular contractions and aches or pains in your lower back or belly. How is it diagnosed? Most cases of …
Health topics
… of the child's symptoms and other related events. Talk with your doctor about your concerns. Report your concerns to your local child welfare agency. You may be …