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6341 results found
Healthy eating
… prevention eating guidelines When it comes to lowering your risk of getting cancer, there are some things you can’t … than many other foods. Eating mostly plant foods to meet your nutrient needs can satisfy your hunger while making it easier to stay at a healthy …
Health topics
… Learning Center Learn about the brain and nervous system Your brain and your nervous system work together to help you do things like see, smell, taste, feel, and move. Your nervous system sends signals to your brain to control …
Health topics
… time. Our topics will teach you about eating well and about controlling your blood sugar levels. You will learn how to manage … time. Our topics will teach you about eating well and about controlling your blood sugar levels. You will learn how to …
Health topics
… failure occurs when heart failure gets worse very quickly. Your heart suddenly cannot pump as much blood as your body needs. Sudden heart failure causes rapid fluid … heart rhythms (arrhythmias). Conditions that affect your need for oxygen. These include anemia (not having …
Health topics
… are at risk for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy if either of your parents or a brother or sister has it or died suddenly at a young age. Talk to your doctor about getting tested. What are the symptoms? You … Have chest pain. You may have a heavy, tight feeling in your chest. Chest pain is often brought on by exercise, when …
Health topics
… Overview The way you breathe affects your whole body. Full, deep breathing is a good way to … The object of roll breathing is to develop full use of your lungs and get in touch with the rhythm of your breathing. It can be practiced in any position, but it …
Health topics
… Overview Flexibility exercises can help you keep your range of motion when you have an SCI. You may be able to do some of the flexibility exercises yourself. A loved one or a physiotherapist or occupational … behind you that doesn't move. You can try the stretches in your wheelchair (make sure that it's firmly locked) or in a …
Health topics
… straight-backed chair. Warm up. Breathe in deeply through your nose. Lift your arms above your head, and stretch. Lower your arms, and breathe out. Do …
Health topics
… Information Getting Started Medicines can help you manage your health, but only if you take them correctly. If you're having problems taking your medicine as prescribed, try thinking about why you're having trouble. You might not be sure why your medicine is important or if it is working. Maybe you …
Health topics
… You may do some new exercises and may be asked to monitor yourself when you exercise. Your rehab team will design a specific exercise program for … and flexibility exercises. Aerobic exercises strengthen your heart and lungs and build up your endurance. Strength …