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Medical tests
… It Feels Risks Results Test Overview Your pulse is the rate at which your heart beats. Your pulse … You can check this normal change in your pulse rate by changing your breathing pattern while taking your pulse. … You can check this normal change in your pulse rate by changing your breathing pattern while taking your pulse. …
Health topics
… During pregnancy, everything you eat, drink, or take into your body affects you and your growing baby. Using alcohol … harm you and your baby. But it can still be hard to stop. Changing your behaviours isn't easy. Some people need … harm you and your baby. But it can still be hard to stop. Changing your behaviours isn't easy. Some people need …
Health topics
… disease. It's a term used to describe the normal changes in your spinal discs as you age. Spinal discs are small, spongy … The discs act as shock absorbers for the spine. They let your spine flex, bend, and twist. Degenerative disc disease … arm, or leg if a nerve is pinched. Numbness or tingling in your arm or leg. The pain may start after a major injury …
Health topics
… 29, 2021 Dementia is a loss of mental skills that affects your daily life. It can cause problems with your memory and how well you can think and plan. Alzheimer's …
Health topics
… is a paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of your face. Damage to the facial nerve that controls muscles on one side of the face causes that side of your face to droop . The nerve damage may also affect your sense of taste and how you make tears and saliva. This …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done This test is done … waist. And you may drape a paper or cloth covering around your shoulders. Remove all jewellery from your head and around your neck. You will lie on your back on …
Health topics
… Overview Brightly coloured changes in the colour of your tongue may be caused by eating or drinking something that may have stained your tongue, such as soft drinks or candy. The bright … the tongue is brushed with a soft-bristled toothbrush. If your tongue problem is from some local irritation, such as …
Health topics
… use disorder is a mental health condition. It affects your brain and behaviour. When you have this condition, it's very hard to control your use of substances. Substances include alcohol, drugs, … than you ever meant to. Being unable to cut down or control your use, or constantly wishing you could. Spending a lot of …
Health topics
… it may disappear or bother you only a little. Don't ignore your pain. Talk to your doctor about it. The doctor can help … on the body. Biofeedback. This is a method of consciously controlling something that is normally controlled … on the body. Biofeedback. This is a method of consciously controlling something that is normally controlled …
Health topics
… footnote 1 Sexual harassment may include: A put-down of your gender. Flirting when you've made clear it's not welcome. Sexual comments or gestures about your body or lifestyle. Pressure for sexual favours. Sexual … places or things that remind you of what happened. Avoid your friends, family, and other people. Have trouble …