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Health topics
… to check into the hospital the night before or morning of your coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedure. You will … be allowed anything to eat or drink after midnight. Before your surgery, you will meet some of the members of the … medicines to put you to sleep for the surgery and control your pain both during and after your surgery. He or she will …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Crying is a normal part of your child's life. Stay as calm as possible during crying episodes. There are many different ways to approach your child's crying, and over time you will understand your child's needs and know how to care for him or her. A …
Health topics
… also pumps fluid in and out of the joint space, which helps your knee stay healthy. When you don't move as much, you … a physiotherapist. But you can learn a lot, including: How your knee works and what arthritis does to the joint. Ways to put less stress on your knee, such as carrying lighter loads, losing extra …
Health topics
… uses medicines that make you unconscious. It affects your whole body. When it's used, you will be unaware. You … and right after the procedure. It also affects many of your body's normal functions, such as those that control breathing. So you will be watched closely. Your body's functions will get support to keep you safe. How …
Health topics
… Or a panic attack may happen when something reminds you of your trauma. During a panic attack, you may be afraid of dying or afraid of losing control of yourself. It may seem like things happening around you … future panic attacks can cause stress and interfere with your life. You may try to avoid things that bring back …
Health topics
… is reduced. During an attack, you may feel short of breath. Your chest may feel tight and your breathing may be rapid or shallow. You also may cough … or shortness of breath) after activity, be sure to tell your doctor. But don't let asthma discourage you from …
Health topics
… Overview Carbohydrate counting helps you to control your blood sugar when you have gestational diabetes. … you eat. This is important, because carbohydrate affects your blood sugar more than fats or proteins do. Carbohydrate … help prevent high blood sugar after eating. You should test your blood sugar after meals to see what effect different …
Health topics
… pancreatic tumour and a lot of the tissue around it. Before your surgery, you may also have a laparoscopy so the doctor … removed. The second part of the surgery involves sewing your digestive tract back together. Sometimes the Whipple … you had laparoscopic surgery, you will have a large scar on your belly. It's normal to feel pain in the area for the …
Health topics
… safe they are or how well they may work. Be sure to tell your doctor about any complementary treatments you use or … treatments and whether these treatments may interfere with your standard care. For example, some natural health … tai chi, and qi gong, can help reduce stress and relax your mind and muscles. Stress can make pain worse. So …
Health topics
… condition in which muscles are tight or stiff. For example, your hand may stay clenched in a fist or your knee may be hard to bend. At times the muscles may jerk or spasm uncontrollably. It can interfere with your ability to move, speak, or walk. What causes it? …