6343 results found
Health topics
… diabetes and are planning to become pregnant, meet with your doctor. Things to discuss include: Your A1c goal, your medicine for diabetes, and your weight. Whether your …
Health topics
… Overview Here are some ideas for making the most of your intimate time with your partner. Think about what could help you be more comfortable. Share your thoughts with your partner, and come up with solutions …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview You can help your doctor diagnose and treat your condition by being prepared to answer questions about your symptoms. Since some symptoms are difficult to …
Health topics
… Getting Started Having a plan can help you deal with your emotions without using food. It's about you and what … a food journal. This can help you find out what triggers your emotional eating. You write down when and what you eat. … difference between true hunger and hunger that's just in your head (psychological hunger). When you start feeling …
Health topics
… to Quit On this page: Overview Overview Your attempt to quit is more likely to succeed if you pick a good time. Anytime that you can focus your energy and attention on your goal of quitting tobacco is a good time to quit. This …
Health topics
… as you move forward through the divorce process. Educate yourself. Learn how divorce works in your province. Go to www.canada.ca/family-law to learn more … Plus, it can be cheaper, quicker, and less stressful. Put your children first (if you have children). This can be …
Health topics
… Overview When you have asthma, certain things can make your symptoms worse. These things are called triggers. Things that you're allergic to can trigger your asthma. They may include: Dust. Dust mites. These are … (like dandruff) from dogs and cats. Indoor mould. Pollen. Your asthma can be triggered by other things too, such as: …
Health topics
… for hidradenitis suppurativa depends on how serious it is. Your doctor may discuss options, such as: Medicines. You may … may help. Removing infected tissue. How can you care for yourself? Skin care Wash the area every day with mild soap. Use your hands rather than a face cloth or sponge when you wash …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health … Results Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a …
Health topics
… to help prevent skin infections. Clean and closely trim your child's fingernails. Have a small child wear mittens or … scratching. Or use light bandages over open blisters. Wash your child's hands often. Distract your child when you find him or her scratching. Use …